

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Build more houses so people throughout Wales have the chance to own or rent an affordable home of their own
  • Extend the Right to Buy to all tenants of Registered Social Landlords



This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Continue housing policy in Scotland, which has the highest house building rate in the UK
  • Continue Rural Housing Fund
  • Change the system for housing asylum seekers, addressing the “disgraceful condition” of housing provided


Lib Dems

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Ensure more houses to meet local needs as well as good local services and community facilities such as schools, public transport, local shops, cultural venues and pubs



This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Provide resources to the Scottish government to invest in Scotland's housing stock
  • Guarantee funding for the Help to Buy scheme until 2027
  • Consult on introducing a private rent sector charter to drive up standards
  • Launch a national plan to end rough sleeping within the next parliament, and safeguard hostels and other supported housing



Main pledges

  • Build "fixed-term council houses", sold privately after 10-15 years with automatic Right to Buy for tenants
  • Build one million homes by end of 2020 and 500,000 more by end of 2022
  • Build 160,000 houses on government-owned land
  • Implement the Homelessness Reduction Act to halve rough sleeping



This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • A housebuilding target for Scotland to build 100,000 homes over the next five years
  • Brownfield development should always be prioritised over greenfield development
  • Local authorities should develop serviced plots to encourage self-build and make them available under plot passports
  • A concerted effort to bring the estimated 34,000 empty homes back into use


Lib Dems

Main pledges

  • Set target to build 300,000 new homes a year
  • Create 10 new garden cities in England
  • Stop right to buy for housing association tenants
  • Allow councils to charge 200% council tax on foreign-owned empty homes


Plaid Cymru

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Roll out scheme to make housing stock more energy efficient
  • Ensure veterans receive adequate housing



Main pledges

  • Introduce controls on rent rises
  • Suspend the right to buy policy
  • Build at least 100,000 council and housing association homes a year
  • Make available 4,000 additional homes for rough sleepers



Main pledges

  • Introduce rent controls and ban letting fees
  • Build 100,000 social rented homes a year by 2022
  • End Right to Buy discounts
  • Aim for house price stability


Lib Dems

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • New direct spending on house-building to help build 300,000 homes a year across the UK by 2022
  • £5bn of initial capital for a new British Housing and Infrastructure Development Bank, using public money to attract private investment
  • Help young people in need by reversing cuts to housing benefit for 18-21-year-olds
  • Scrap the 'bedroom tax' across the UK, while seeking to achieve the aim of making best use of the housing supply through incentivising local authorities to help tenants 'downsize



This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Deliver 20,000 more affordable homes by 2021
  • Reverse the decision to abolish housing benefit for 18 to 21-year-olds



This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Incentivise local development, bringing brownfield sites and derelict homes back in to use and released for affordable housing
  • Give local people more say on major planning decisions in their communities through legally binding referenda
  • Encourage new and innovative ways of building affordable homes, such as modular housing units and houses built using sustainable materials
  • Scrap punitive fees charged by letting and management agents



Main pledges

  • Provide 100,000 homes for younger people
  • Introduce locally-made, factory-built modular homes
  • Acquire brownfield sites through compulsory purchase to build affordable housing
  • Launch a review into operation of Housing Associations