Future of the UK


Main pledges

  • Introduce proportional representation for parliamentary and local elections
  • Lower the voting age to 16
  • Replace the House of Lords with an elected second chamber

Health and care


Main pledges

  • Roll back use of private providers in the NHS
  • Scrap NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plans
  • Provide an immediate cash injection to the NHS
  • Bring mental health care into line with physical health care

Foreign and defence


Main pledges

  • Scrap the UK’s nuclear deterrent
  • Ban arms sales to oppressive regimes
  • Strengthen the global deal on climate change
  • Increase the overseas aid budget from 0.7% to 1.0% of GDP

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Hold a referendum on the terms of the Brexit deal, with the option of staying in the EU
  • Pass an Environment Protection Act to safeguard and restore the environment
  • Provide more money for public services
  • Move towards a four-day working week and "universal basic income"
  • Scrap tuition fees and fund full student grants

Education and family


Main pledges

  • Scrap tuition fees and fund full student grants
  • Abolish SATs tests
  • Restore the Education Maintenance Allowance
  • Free early education and childcare for all children



Main pledges

  • Hold a referendum on the terms of the Brexit deal, with the option of staying in the EU
  • Immediately guarantee the rights of EU citizens living in Britain and urgently seek reciprocal arrangements
  • Stay in the single market
  • Ensure that EU environment law is enforceable in the UK

Transport and environment


Main pledges

  • Pass an Environment Protection Act to safeguard and restore the environment
  • Ban fracking and scrap plans for new nuclear power stations
  • Renationalise the railways
  • Cancel HS2 and all airport expansions



Main pledges

  • Introduce rent controls and ban letting fees
  • Build 100,000 social rented homes a year by 2022
  • End Right to Buy discounts
  • Aim for house price stability

Welfare and pensions


Main pledges

  • Move towards a system of a "universal basic income"
  • Reinstate housing benefit for under-21s
  • Abolish the "bedroom tax"

Economy and taxes


Main pledges

  • Phase in a four-day working week
  • Increase the minimum wage to £10 by 2020
  • Reform tax to raise more from the better off, including a wealth tax
  • Introduce a "Robin Hood" Tax on financial transactions



Main pledges

  • Retain free movement of citizens between the UK and the EU
  • Introduce a "humane immigration and asylum system"