In the Night Garden - Series 1: 57. Be Careful Tombliboos!
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- Series 1: 40. The Tombliboos Build an ArchInside the Tombliboo house, the Tombliboos build an arch out of their bricks.28 mins
- Series 1: 41. Makka Pakka's Stone ConcertMakka Pakka discovers he can make musical notes by tapping different stones.28 mins
- Series 1: 42. Hurry Up TombliboosThe Tombliboos are in their house when Makka Pakka comes to call.28 mins
- Series 1: 43. Wake Up IgglepiggleIgglepiggle tucks up in Upsy Daisy's bed. When she returns he has to jump out quickly.28 mins
- Series 1: 45. Where's Upsy Daisy Gone?Upsy Daisy teaches Igglepiggle how to play hiding. Upsy Daisy is very good at hiding.28 mins
- Series 1: 46. Over and UnderEveryone is riding on the Pinky Ponk when the ding dong alarm goes.28 mins
- Series 1: 49. Igglepiggle Goes VisitingIgglepiggle visits everyone in the garden, but he cannot find the teeny-tiny Pontipines.28 mins
- Series 1: 50. Tombliboo TrousersThe Tombliboos are having fun in the garden, but their trousers keep falling down.28 mins
- Series 1: 47. Upsy Daisy's Tiring WalkIgglepiggle and Upsy Daisy go for a long walk and decide to return by Ninky Nonk.28 mins
- Series 1: 48. Makka Pakka's PresentMakka Pakka makes a pile of six stones. He gives everyone in the garden a stone.28 mins
- Series 1: 44. Washing the HaahoosThe smallest Pontipines and biggest Haahoos get clean when Makka Pakka washes their faces.28 mins
- Series 1: 14. Pinky Ponk AdventureThe Pinky Ponk gets stuck in a tree. Everybody slides up and down and it breaks free.28 mins
- Series 1: 51. Where's Your Uff-Uff Makka Pakka?Makka Pakka is washing the ball when his uff-uff is blown away. Upsy Daisy retrieves it.28 mins
- Series 1: 52. Dinner in the Ninky NonkThe Pontipines decide to have their dinner on the Ninky Nonk, but it is a bouncy ride.28 mins
- Series 1: 53. Igglepiggle's TiddleA mysterious jet of water, a tiddle, appears suddenly next to Igglepiggle.28 mins
- Series 1: 54. Tombliboo Eee Gets LostTombliboo Eee becomes separated from the other two Tombliboos, Unn and Ooo.28 mins
- Series 1: 55. Shshsh! Upsy Daisy's Having a Rest!Upsy Daisy wants to rest in her bed but is disturbed by one character after another.28 mins
- Series 1: 56. Slow Down EverybodyThe Tombliboos play their music so fast that everybody does everything very fast.28 mins
- This episodeSeries 1: 57. Be Careful Tombliboos!
- Series 1: 58. Igglepiggle's Noisy NoisesEverything in the garden is so noisy that Igglepiggle moves away to find a quiet place.28 mins
- Series 1: 59. The Pontipine Children on the RoofThe Pontipines ride on the Ninky Nonk, but Mr and Mrs Pontipine can't find the children.28 mins
- Series 1: 60. Upsy Daisy Dances with the Pinky PonkUpsy Daisy shows her love for everything in the garden by dancing.28 mins
- Series 1: 61. The Tombliboos Swap TrousersThe Tombliboos' trousers get mixed up all over - in the Ninky Nonk, in the Pinky Ponk.28 mins
- Series 1: 62. Kicking the BallUpsy Daisy teaches Igglepiggle how to kick the ball, and he kicks it around the garden.28 mins
- Series 1: 63. Where Are the Tombliboos' Toothbrushes?Things are becoming lost and the Tombliboos' toothbrushes just won't stay put.28 mins
- Series 1: 64. The Pontipines' PicnicThe Pontipines look for the perfect place to have a picnic. They invite the Wottingers.28 mins
- Series 1: 65. Upsy Daisy's Funny BedUpsy Daisy's bed follows Igglepiggle and Upsy Daisy when they go for a walk.28 mins
- Series 1: 66. Upsy Daisy's Special StoneUpsy Daisy gives her special stone to Igglepiggle to look after.28 mins
- Series 1: 67. Makka Pakka's Piles of ThreeMakka Pakka is making piles of stones, but he needs another one to make three piles.28 mins
- Series 1: 68. Running AboutEverybody is running about in the garden so much that Makka Pakka can't wash faces.28 mins
- Series 1: 69. Trousers on the Ninky NonkThe Tombliboos and Makka Pakka take a bumpy ride on the Ninky Nonk.28 mins
- Series 1: 70. Where Are the Wottingers?The Wottingers are not in. Where could they be? The Pontipines go looking for them.28 mins
- Series 1: 71. Windy Day in the GardenIgglepiggle's blanket is blown into the air and the Tombliboos' trousers fly off the line.28 mins
- Series 1: 72. Tombliboo Ooo Brings the Ball IndoorsThe Tombliboos play with the ball indoors until it flies out of the window.28 mins
- Series 1: 73. What a Funny Ninky NonkEverybody tries to catch the Ninky Nonk, even the teeny tiny Pontipines.28 mins
- Series 1: 74. Mr Pontipine's Moustache Flies AwayMr Pontipine's moustache flies off and gets stuck to the chimney.28 mins
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