Abadas - Series 2: 26. Fòn-Là imhe/Mobile Phone
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- This episodeSeries 2: 26. Fòn-Là imhe/Mobile Phone
- Series 2: 25. Bòrd Surfadh-Gaoithe/Windsurfing BoardToday the Abadas have to find more than one word. The words are 'windsurfing board'.11 mins
- Series 2: 24. Cnò-bhainne/CoconutThe Abadas are playing Hari's super throwing game, but things are tougher than they seem.11 mins
- Series 2: 23. Aireamhair/CalculatorThe Abadas are adding up - the word of the day is something that might be able to help.11 mins
- Series 2: 22. BÃ t-aigeil/SubmarineHari the hippo is teaching the other Abadas to swim.11 mins
- Series 2: 21. Carabhan/CaravanAfter racing their go-karts in the garden, Ela, Hari and Seren play the word game.11 mins
- Series 2: 20. Tobar/A WellEla searches for a well while the Abadas have a pirate adventure on the beach.11 mins
- Series 2: 19. Brù-Dhearg/RobinSeren has a thoroughly great time as she goes in search of a robin.11 mins
- Series 2: 18. Siris/CherriesToday, Seren is chosen to go in search of cherries.11 mins
- Series 2: 17. Crùn/CrownSeren, Hari and Ela play as usual. Ela ends up going on a big adventure finding the crown.11 mins
- Series 2: 16. Drochaid/BridgeEla the dragon is guarding the Abadas' picnic across the muddy river.11 mins
- Series 2: 15. Stap/StileThe Abadas are enjoying a day at the beach and Ela is searching for a stile.11 mins
- Series 2: 14. Maicreafon/MicrophoneWhat unusual sounds will they make with a microphone?11 mins
- Series 2: 13. Saighead-gaoithe/WeathervaneSeren has an adventurous journey in the countryside as she searches for a weathervane.11 mins
- Series 2: 12. Pupaid/PuppetHari heads for the beach as he searches for the word puppet.11 mins
- Series 2: 11. Camara/CameraIt's big smiles all round as the three friends set off in search of a camera.11 mins
- Series 2: 10. Bruis Fhiacail/ToothbrushIt is super-tidy Ela who is chosen to go in search of the special word!11 mins
- Series 2: 9. Each Tulgach/Rocking horseBen sends the friends in search of a very special kind of horse - a rocking horse.11 mins
- Series 2: 8. Cochall/CocoonThe special word is cocoon and the Abadas search the garden to find something very special11 mins
- Series 2: 7. Crosgan/StarfishBen challenges the Abadas to find a special little creature shaped like a star!11 mins
- Series 2: 6. Sgèile/ScalesSeren shows the other Abadas how good she is at counting.11 mins
- Series 2: 5. Taigh-glainne/GreenhouseThe Abadas have been busy building themselves a snugly den.11 mins
- Series 2: 4. Dreallag/SwingToday's word guarantees plenty of fun, but which Abada should go in search of it?11 mins
- Series 2: 3. Drathair/DrawerHari's toy duck Quack goes missing in the garden and Ela is determined to find it.11 mins
- Series 2: 2. Cè-grèine/Sun CreamThe Abadas' favourite game leads them to the beach and in search of some sun cream.11 mins
- Series 2: 1. Luachair/RushHari goes off to the boggy marshes where he searches for the special word - rush.11 mins
- Series 1: 26. MapHari goes in search of a map, but will he know what a map looks like and what it does?11 mins
- Series 1: 25. Trombaid/TrumpetThere is some huffing, puffing and blowing to be done as today's word is 'trumpet'.11 mins
- Series 1: 24. Cleas-Teine/FireworkThe word is 'firework', and there's only one Abada up to the challenge - it's Super Seren!11 mins
- Series 1: 23. Sgi/SkisThe Abadas are playing outside in the mud when Ben invites them to play another word game.11 mins
- Series 1: 22. Muileann-Gaoithe/WindmillWhere will Ela go today to find a windmill?11 mins
- Series 1: 21. Preasant/GiftThe Abadas are enjoying a picnic with their special toys, but Ela doesn't have one.11 mins
- Series 1: 20. Bòrd-sneachda (Snowboard)Hari sets off on another adventure as he searches the mountains for a 'snowboard'.11 mins
- Series 1: 19. Turtur-mara/Sea TurtleTha na h-Abadas a' dol a lorg turtur-mara. The Abadas are searching for a sea turtle.11 mins
- Series 1: 18. Oraindsear/OrangeToday's word is something round and sweet-smelling. What could it be?11 mins
- Series 1: 17. Put/BuoyThis word is 'buoy'. Who will be chosen to find it; Hari, Ela or Seren?11 mins
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