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Go Wild - Series 1 - Steve and Aneeshwar: 13. Tiger and Leaf Insect - Signed
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Series 2 - Aneeshwar and Lizzie Episodes
- 1. Lion and SlothAneeshwar and Lizzie meet lions and sloths.5 mins
- 2. Tamarin and Dart FrogAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the golden-headed tamarin and the poison dart frog.5 mins
- 3. Sun Bear and Rainbow LorikeetAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the sun bear and the rainbow lorikeet.5 mins
- 4. Aye-Aye and Prevost鈥檚 SquirrelAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the aye-aye and the Prevost鈥檚 squirrel.5 mins
- 5. Indian Peafowl and GorillaAneeshwar and Lizzie meet peacocks and gorillas.5 mins
- 6. Galapagos Tortoise and Giant African SnailAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the Galapagos tortoise and the giant African land snail.5 mins
- 7. Painted Dog and CoatiAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the painted dog and the coati.5 mins
- 8. Pygmy Marmoset and Orb Weaver SpiderAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the pygmy marmoset and orb weaver spider.5 mins
- 9. Jaguar and AnacondaAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the jaguar and the anaconda.5 mins
- 10. Tapir and Fruit BatAneeshwar and Lizzie meet tapirs and fruit bats.5 mins
- 11. Sunbird and Day GeckoAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the sunbird and the day gecko.5 mins
- 12. Zebra and Red-Bellied PiranhaAneeshwar and Lizzie meet zebras and piranhas.5 mins
- 13. Spider Monkey and TamanduaAneeshwar and Lizzie meet spider monkeys and the tamandua.5 mins
- 14. Macaw and AgoutiAneeshwar and Lizzie meet macaws and agoutis.5 mins
- 15. Cheetah and WarthogAneeshwar and Lizzie meet cheetahs and warthogs.5 mins
- 16. Tamarin and Crowned PigeonAneeshwar and Lizzie meet cotton-top tamarins and the Victoria crowned pigeon.5 mins
- 17. Dhole and Dwarf MongooseAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the dhole and the dwarf mongoose.5 mins
- 18. Vulture and BrittlestarAneeshwar and Lizzie meet vultures and brittlestars.5 mins
- 19. Owl Butterfly and SunbitternAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the giant owl butterfly and the sunbittern.5 mins
- 20. Mandrill and Sand LizardAneeshwar and Lizzie meet the mandrill and the sand lizard.5 mins
- 21. Pygmy Hippo and AardvarkAneeshwar and Lizzie meet a pygmy hippo and some aardvarks.5 mins
- 22. Porcupine and Three-Banded ArmadilloAneeshwar and Lizzie meet a porcupine and a three-banded armadillo.5 mins
- 23. Brown Bear and Hazel DormouseAneeshwar and Lizzie meet brown bears and a hazel dormouse.5 mins
- 24. Tuatara and Burrowing OwlAneeshwar and Lizzie meet some tuataras and a burrowing owl.5 mins
- 25. Bactrian Camel and LynxAneeshwar and Lizzie meet Bactrian camels and a lynx.5 mins