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Yukee - Series 1: 46. A Day in the Life - Signed
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Episodes Episodes
- Series 1: 1. HiccupsWhen Toad has a case of puddle hiccups, Yukee and the garden gang try to find a cure.7 mins
- Series 1: 2. Stick in the MudToad is resisting the urge to join in with Yukee's game of musical mud-squelching.7 mins
- Series 1: 3. Worm ChorusYukee is desperate to meet the worms that live in the soil beneath the garden.7 mins
- Series 1: 4. Rain Rain Come and PlayDuring a storm, Toad says he’s frightened of the sound. Can Yukee find a way to calm him?7 mins
- Series 1: 5. The Music BoxSonny has found a box of broken pieces. Can Yukee and her friends put them back together?7 mins
- Series 1: 6. Perfect PresentEveryone is bringing presents to the opening of Twinkle’s zen garden.7 mins
- Series 1: 7. Sound of SilenceYukee enjoys the peace and quiet in the garden when she wakes up early.7 mins
- Series 1: 8. The Pop-UpsStripes’s attempts to write a song about his love for the Sunhouse are interrupted.7 mins
- Series 1: 9. Xylophone MysteryStripes has lost Twinkle's xylophone - and right before her performance!7 mins
- Series 1: 10. Earning Your StripesA samba band is coming to play, so everyone is helping to prepare.7 mins
- Series 1: 11. Slow Down TapTapTapTap’s loud, fast drumming is driving everyone in the garden to distraction.7 mins
- Series 1: 12. Fortune CookiesYukee’s garden pals think the fortune cookie messages she has given them are true.7 mins
- Series 1: 13. Code CrackersSonny finds an old musical safe, which only opens with the right musical code.7 mins
- Series 1: 14. Lost and FoundStripes has written a brilliant song, but his guitar string is broken, so he can't play it7 mins
- Series 1: 15. Top of the PotsSonny and Yukee are distracted by the amazing musical properties of old salvaged pots.7 mins
- Series 1: 16. Yeehaa!Yukee thinks it would be a mighty swell idea if the gang had a line dance in the Sunhouse.7 mins
- Series 1: 17. Fly Away FeathersYukee and the garden gang help a touring musical pigeon get back in the air.7 mins
- Series 1: 18. Staying Up LateThe garden gang are intrigued when Yukee says she’s going to show them the Man in the Moon7 mins
- Series 1: 19. All ChangeYukee is struggling with a tune on her ukulele and wants to give it up.7 mins
- Series 1: 20. Chrysalis CrecheTapTap becomes very protective when strange eggs appear in the branches of her tree.7 mins
- Series 1: 21. Showdown on the Sundial StageWhen Rock Night is double-booked, the Sundial Stage becomes crowded and noisy.7 mins
- Series 1: 22. Jumbled UpYukee comes up with a clever rhyming song to help her remember some messages for Sonny.7 mins
- Series 1: 23. Play with Your FoodToad needs a new pumpkin double bass.7 mins
- Series 1: 24. Bath AhoySonny tries to fit a rescued old tin bath into his caravan.7 mins
- Series 1: 25. Daffodil DayIt’s the first day of spring, so it’s time for the traditional march round the garden.7 mins
- Series 1: 26. Slime SistersThe sensational singing snail sisters take a wrong direction and end up in the garden.7 mins
- Series 1: 27. Recycling RhapsodyWhen the recycling gets blown over, Yukee and the gang pick it up and create music.7 mins
- Series 1: 28. The New SunhouseStripes wants to transform the Sunhouse, but he must learn that it is already perfect!7 mins
- Series 1: 29. The Fly PastOn migration day, the gang try to find the right sound to get a response from the geese.7 mins
- Series 1: 30. Radio StripesYukee and Stripes start a garden radio station but struggle to find music everyone likes.7 mins
- Series 1: 31. You Can Do It YukeeYukee's garden becomes a radio broadcast location, and Yukee gets a surprise guest spot.7 mins
- Series 1: 32. Water MusicSonny plans a tea party to show off his new musical instrument, but rain comes pouring in.7 mins
- Series 1: 33. Skip Skip HurrayCan Rapper Bushy T help Stripes get the hang of skipping and join in the fun?7 mins
- Series 1: 34. A Game of CricketsYukee and TapTap try to track down the source of a strange chirping noise in the garden.7 mins
- Series 1: 35. SunriseStripes and Toad want to write a song together, but they fall out. Can Yukee help them?7 mins
- Series 1: 36. Two Frogs and the ToadYukee’s Garden hosts the Jazz Frogs. Toad discovers he has had an influence over them.7 mins
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