The Insider: Reggie Yates - Series 2: 1. A Week in a Toxic Waste Dump
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- Series 1: 1. In a Texan JailFor one week, Reggie Yates eats, sleeps and works alongside the inmates of a Texan jail.59 mins
- Series 1: 2. In the Mexican Drug WarReggie Yates joins the army in Acapulco, Mexico, to fight the war against drugs.50 mins
- This episodeSeries 2: 1. A Week in a Toxic Waste Dump
- Series 2: 2. In a Refugee CampReggie Yates spends a week living and sleeping in the largest refugee camp in Iraq.50 mins
- Series 2: 3. US Prison GuardReggie Yates spends time working as a guard at Guilford County Jail in North Carolina.55 mins