Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl - Series 12 - Galactic Battles: 36. Challenging a Towering Figure!
Series 10 Episodes
- 1. Following a Maiden’s VoyageAsh, Pikachu and Aipom head toward the Sinnoh region.21 mins
- 2. Two Degrees of SeparationDawn and Piplup's Pokémon journey is off to a bumpy start.20 mins
- 3. When Pokémon Worlds CollideA trainer named Paul challenges Ash to a battle.20 mins
- 4. Dawn of a New EraDawn has her very first battle with Nando, a Pokémon bard who is torn between two paths.20 mins
- 5. Gettin' Twiggy With It!Team Rocket's latest Pikachu-snatching plan slips up.20 mins
- 6. Different Strokes for Different Blokes!Ash wants a rematch with new rival Paul.20 mins
- 7. Like It or Lup It!Dawn and Piplup are on their way to Jubilife City for Dawn’s first Pokémon contest.20 mins
- 8. Gymbaliar!There is a new gym in town, and Team Rocket is in charge!20 mins
- 9. Setting the World on Its Buneary!As Ash, Dawn and Brock head for Jubilife City, a wild Buneary catches their eye.20 mins
- 10. Not on My Watch Ya Don’t!Dawn is searching Jubilife City for a Pokétch for her first Pokémon contest.20 mins
- 11. Mounting a Coordinator Assault!Dawn finds a new friend and rival in a fellow coordinator named Zoey!20 mins
- 12. Arrival of a Rival!Jubilife City Pokémon Contest is in full swing! Can Ash and Dawn make it to the finals?20 mins
- 13. A Staravia is Born!Something is happening to the flying Pokémon who live in the forest.20 mins
- 14. Leave it to Brocko!When Ash and his friends help an injured Nuzleaf, Team Rocket try to steal it.20 mins
- 15. Shapes of Things to Come!Ash arrives at the Oreburgh Gym for his first gym battle in the Sinnoh region.20 mins
- 16. A Gruff Act to Follow!It’s Ash’s turn to face gym leader Roark and his powerful rock-type Pokémon.20 mins
- 17. Wild In the Streets!A Team Rocket scheme unleashes ancient Pokémon upon Oreburgh City.20 mins
- 18. O’er the Rampardos We Watched!Ash is back at the Oreburgh Gym for a rematch with Roark.20 mins
- 19. Twice Smitten, Once Shy!Dawn comes across such a cute wild Pachirisu that she just has to catch it!20 mins
- 20. Mutiny in the Bounty!Ash and his friends encounter the ruthless Pokémon Hunter J.20 mins
- 21. Ya See We Want an Evolution!Ash and his friends hear about a group of coordinators who never evolve their Pokémon.20 mins
- 22. Borrowing on Bad Faith!Ash and his friends come across an unofficial Pokémon Contest in a small village.20 mins
- 23. Faced With Steelix Determination!Team Rocket's latest misguided Pokémon-snatching scheme digs them into a deep hole.20 mins
- 24. Cooking Up A Sweet Story!Theresa and her aunt Abigail run a cake shop, while Abigail's Pikachu has disappeared.20 mins
- 25. Oh Do You Know The Poffin Plan!After arriving in Floaroma Town, Dawn talks Ash and Brock into taking a cooking class.20 mins
- 26. Getting the Pre-Contest Titters!Dawn gets a surprise visit while preparing for the Pokémon Contest in Floaroma Town.20 mins
- 27. Settling a Not-So-Old Score!Dawn finds herself facing off against Jessilina and her old friend Kenny!20 mins
- 28. Drifloon on the Wind!Ash and his pals visit a Pokémon Centre that is being run by Nurse Joy and her daughters.20 mins
- 29. The Champ Twins!Ash and his friends meet the Champ Twins, brothers who have won 15 tag battles in a row.20 mins
- 30. Some Enchanted Sweetening!Ash and his friends meet a treasure hunter named Cheryl.20 mins
- 31. The Grass-Type Is Always Greener!Ash and friends help treasure hunter Cheryl with her quest for the enchanted honey.20 mins
- 32. An Angry Combeenation!Ash, Cheryl and finally close in on the elusive Amber Castle.20 mins
- 33. All Dressed Up with Somewhere to Go!It's the Sinnoh region’s annual Pokémon Dress-Up Contest.20 mins
- 34. Buizel Your Way Out of This!Ash and Dawn are interested in catching a powerful Buizel.20 mins
- 35. An Elite Meet and Greet!Lucian, a member of the Sinnoh region’s Elite Four, agrees to help Dawn train Buizel.20 mins
- 36. A Secret Sphere of Influence!On arrival in Eterna City, Ash and friends stumble straight into a mystery.20 mins
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