House of Lords
Statements, questions and debates in the House of Lords as peers scrutinise legislation and hold ministers to account on current issues and the work of the government.
Northern Ireland Troubles Legacy (151 mins)
Series Navigation
- Children and VapingDebate on plans to tackle the number of children using vapes.72 mins
- Covid-19 Inquiry ReportThe debate on the first report from the Covid-19 inquiry, on Tuesday 3 September.246 mins
- Violent Disorder StatementThe statement on the violent disorder earlier in the summer, on Tuesday 3 September.39 mins
- Middle East StatementThe statement on the Middle East and the ban on some arms exports to Israel.26 mins
- Ukraine StatementThe statement by on the situation in Ukraine, on Tuesday 3 September.14 mins
- 03/09/2024Coverage of proceedings in the House of Lords on Tuesday 3 September.48 mins
- Introductions to the House of LordsIntroduction to the House of Lords of Lord Spellar and Baroness Winterton of Doncaster.12 mins
- Crown Estate BillSecond reading debate on the Crown Estate Bill, on Monday 2 September.216 mins
- Arbitration BillSecond reading debate in the Lords on the Arbitration Bill, on Tuesday 30 July.34 mins
- Minimum Custodial Periods OrderThe Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Requisite and Minimum Custodial Periods) Order 2024.49 mins
- House BuildingDebate on a ministerial statement on house building and planning, from Tuesday 30 July.56 mins
- Bank Resolution BillSecond reading debate on the Banking Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill, on 30 July.110 mins
- Public Spending InheritanceDebate on a statement on the public finances as inherited by the new government.38 mins
- Infected Blood InquiryDebate on the government’s progress in responding to the infected blood inquiry’s report.38 mins
- Patrick Finucane CasePrivate notice question in the Lords on the death of Patrick Finucane in 1989, on 30 July.11 mins
- Global Combat Air Programme OrderBusiness in the House of Lords on Monday 29 July.50 mins
- Commonwealth Parliamentary Association BillSecond-reading debate on the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Bill.58 mins
- Repayment of the Carers' Allowance QuestionPNQ on plans to assist family carers required to make repayments of the Carers’ Allowance.17 mins
- IntroductionsCeremony to introduce Alexandra Freeman and Lionel Tarassenko as peers in the Lords.10 mins
- 11- to 16-Years EducationDebate on the report on the educational curriculum for schoolchildren between 11 and 16.150 mins
- Community SentencesDebate on the report on 'Cutting crime: better community sentences', on Friday 26 July.85 mins
- 25/07/2024Business in the House of Lords on Thursday 25 July.377 mins
- Hereditary By-ElectionsDebate on the motion to extend the minimum period for a hereditary by-election.12 mins
- King's Speech Debate, Day 5Fifth day of debate on the King's Speech, with a focus on justice and home affairs.352 mins
- Prison Capacity StatementStatement by justice minister Lord Timpson on prison capacity, from Wednesday 24 July.51 mins
- Post Office Scandal StatementStatement on the Post Office Horizon IT scandal, from Wednesday 24 July.10 mins
- 24/07/2024Fifth day of debate in the Lords on the King's Speech, from Wednesday 24 July.195 mins
- NATO and Europe StatementDebate on a statement on Nato and the European Political Community, from Tuesday 23 July.51 mins
- King's Speech Debate, Day 4Fourth day of debate in the Lords on the King's Speech, from Tuesday 23 July.403 mins
- IntroductionCeremony in the House of Lords to introduce the Lord Hanson of Flint, from 23 July.12 mins
- 23/07/2023Fourth day of debate in the Lords on the King's Speech, from Tuesday 23 July.168 mins
- IntroductionsIntroductions Lord Timpson and Lord Hermer to the House of Lords as peers, from 22 July.17 mins
- King's Speech Debate, Day 3Third day of debate in the Lords on the King's Speech, from Monday 22 July.443 mins
- King's Speech Debate, Day TwoSecond day of debate in the Lords on the King's Speech, from Friday 19 July.331 mins
- King's Speech Debate, Day One, Part 3First day of debate in the Lords on the King's speech, from Thursday 18 July.226 mins
- King's Speech Debate, Day One, Part 2First day of debate in the Lords on the King's speech, from Thursday 18 July.114 mins
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