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Role of the Constables

By Ryan Morrison
Should the Constables remain in the States of Jersey by virtue of their office? Have your say...

Inside the States of Jersey
Inside the States of Jersey

We ran a poll on bbc.co.uk/jersey asking users which which of the four options they would vote for if they were given the chance.

The majority of people voting went for Option 2, the Constables and 30 members elected in between 3 and 6 large constituencies.

As well as the chance to vote for options 1 to 4 we included a none of the above choice. In total 238 people voted in the completely non scientific poll. The results were:

Option one (30%), option two (53%), option three (0%), option four (3%), none of the above (15%).

The role of the Constables

Along with the poll we've been inviting users to pass comment on the four options and the make-up of the States in general on the website and 麻豆官网首页入口 Radio Jersey.

One point raised on a number of occasions by the 麻豆官网首页入口 Radio Jersey listeners is that there should be a referendum on whether the constables should be in the States by virtue of their office.

This is mainly because none of the four options include a 'no constables' choice. Suggestions have ranged from the role being scrapped completely to them becoming full members with the same role as a current Deputy.

A number of people have suggested splitting the States of Jersey into two houses, the 30 members (option 1 and 2) in the main house听 working in the same way as they do now. Then the Constables in a second house with no voting rights but acting in a scrutiny role.

The MORI poll

However, the consultation paper that sparked these discussions was based on a recent MORI poll that saw a majority of respondants say the Constables should remain in the States.

The paper says 鈥淎lthough views on the position of the Parish Conn茅tables were strongly polarized in the MORI survey PPC accepts that a majority of respondents clearly wish the Conn茅tables to remain as members of the States and PPC believes that the current political mood among States members reflects this preference.鈥

However, PPC have said that the role of the Constable needs to be clarified so that it is recognised as being a 鈥榝ull鈥 role in the States of Jersey.

What do you think of these options? Should the Constables be in the States of Jersey?

last updated: 18/06/08
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A R Lea
No we do not need constables in the States those who are in there do not listen to the public nor do the constables all of them are only there to feather their own nests.

we dont need parish's, we dont need constables, we need an election! we need it now!

Can anyone explain to me what a constable is actually supposed to do? I am yet to see our in action.

Most people don鈥檛 vote 鈥 fact. Most people seem to think States Members should not be paid. Most people seem to think that we have the worst 52 people possible in Government and yet very few other seem willing to stand for election themselves. Suggestion. A States assembly of:- 10 richest landowners to represent tenants. 10 riches business men to represent industry 10 places auctioned to highest bidder so anybody else with a political objective has the chance to stand. This would meet the objectives of reducing the number of states members and getting rid of the Constables - save money on elections, Salaries and even raise money from the auction of government seats. It seems to work for most of the world?

Dom - In stead of complaining why don't you exercise your right to vote for your next Constable. Am I missing something or is that not the point of elections - If there is no other candidate why don't you stand for office your self then you can choose not to claim any pay and save the rest of us loads in taxes.

At least the constables are grounded in reality, rather than the rich men in their ivory towers looking after their own interests, who never meet the Man On The Street. The constables come into contact with all the nitty gritty of everyday people's problems, and so have a far more balanced outlook - a better sense of proportion. It's vital that we keep that in the house. If there are too many politicians then scrap the Deputies and keep Senators. I want to be able to vote for/against the majority of them - but a system that does away with the islandwide mandate would lose my interest completely. What's the point of voting for a small handful of the total number of states members when they're outnumbered by a majority for whom I never get a vote? That only works in the UK because of political parties - every vote for a party member helps that party gain power - but that doesn't apply over here. Anyhow, voting only encourages them. You're better off joining campaign groups on the issues that matter to you.

I'd agree with Peter"s comments about introducing two groups - ie one for 30 full, elected states members and the other with the constables. It is a cultural and historical role and as such it would be good for the island to retain constables, this is an ideal way. It is fair enough to say that it should reallyt only be elected members who vote on legislation, otherwise what's the point electing in the first place? I hope more people feel inclined to air their views in this respect.

Anybody can stand for election as constable. They are elected the same as any other politician, they just have a lot more work and responsability. You could argue that a deputy is only in the states by virtue of their office!

Mrs Helen McGugan
The Constables should stay. The numbers of Deputies + Senators should be reduced.

Paul C
I get the distinct feeling that many (but not all)existing States members believe that we'd all realise how silly Clothier was if only we had their foresight and first hand experience of government. If so, prepare to be disappointed by yet another voter. What I want isn't rocket science. It's one general election and fewer States members, thereby hopefully weeding out some of those who waste States time and money. As for the latter point of fewer members, the cliques involved in the so called election of many (but again not all) Constables mean that they're ideal targets for being thrown out first.

Graham Houiellebecq
If the PPC are so sure that joe public want the constables in the states let the electorate decide at election time.That is the democratic way to decide the issue.

Constables have enough to do looking after their parish-thats what we put them there for.

Richard B
I think it is vital that we retain the Connetables in the states. They are very much in touch with Parish needs and are better placed to represent these at states level. I think it is a knee jerk reaction to start removing states members. In my mind it is the quality of states members contributions which is the issue not their numbers. A shorter ekection period for Senetors and elections on one day may help. Removing Connetables simply removes a level of grass rots contibution which has been important to date.

Will, St Brelade
The Constables are elected by a minority, end up representing the majority who have no say in their choice in the first place. Certainly not democratic and a remnant of the old Island "Police Parties" of the 19th century. Conclusion, No automatic right for Constables to enter the States.

Graham Houiellebecq
Clothier said no constables and I agree.The cherry picking we have witnessed so far by the states should stop as it will not produce good government or increase voter turnout.

Roger E Crick
Since we have far too many members in the States Assembly the removal of the Constables should be the first step. They are elected as father of their parish and certainly should be paid as States Members

If the constables kept up with the times and actually tried to bother asking what the public wanted, instead of doing things to the island to suit themselves they would be a worthwhile asset. but quite frankly what a mess our town has become.. at least up the no entry for bikes has gone ...wonder why that was brought in. so the constable could get to the town hall quicker . well you should actually try driving round it. im sure we are due for a major clear out of all the dead wood in these high up departments.and who did the figures on the amount of smokers in jersey, 18000. i dont think so . double that and more .. so wats going to happen when the states realise they are losing a lot of money from tax on ciggies ...wats going to go up to compensate . im sure we will know soon..MORE TAX/ OH IM A NON SMOKER BUT U GOT THIS WRONG..im sure soon we will need a permit to leave our own house... rules rules rules...but as you all know whatever you write or say it makes no odds. the powers that be do whatever they want. and on that note nice picture of the three amigos in the post horn pub in the jep. about the no smoking.. bet they never been in there before or spend any thing like the money the regulars do.lets see how many bars and small cafes will close down within a year, thats if theres anyone capable of counting that high,,,WELL DONE.

PC do nothing
Implement Clothier fully. If we had done this as recommended then we would not be having this debate. Jobs for the boys yet again. This will never change and Jersey will never evolve to its full potential. What a farce !!!

The states are incapable of changing anything - your survey shows most people wanted 30 members, and 12 constables, cos theres no choice. now this latest survey shows no constables - would the states vote for 11 of them to lose their jobs and would the constables vote to get rid of themselves? Of course not - nothing will change cos there are no members with any guts to change - welcome to 2007 and onwards with higher taxes, fewer services and a coward government

James of St. Saviour should stop griping and make sure he, and others that share his view, exercise their democratic right and vote for the person THEY would like to support as Connetable. As for their right to sit in the States - that's our constitution and again if they, and all those who want to change it, stand for election.

As the Parish Constables are police officers they should be removed from the States as a matter of urgency. I cannot imagine that there is another democracy in the world where police officers have an automatic right to sit in parliament.

G Richecoeur
leave them in their parish halls not in the states chamber

J Williams
Through their own committee the Constables should deal with all the minor day to day things that seem to clog up the states. They could have the senior Constable sitting in the states with a right of say, but no vote. This would keep them in touch of what is going on.

Peter (Grouville)
The primary role of the Connetables and their responsibility, is at Parish level; This is where they can be most effective. If they wish to have a seat in the States, they should go through the normal election process. This would make it much more democratic.

Michael [ Trinity ]
Well done on doing your survey ,I do not think the connetables should be in the states by right ,but where is my vote to go ref the options offered ,dont agree with any that allowes connetables in by right ..thank you Happy Xmas x

no constables in the states

James St Saviour
I don't believe that someone elected more by their friends than the public should make any decisions on my behalf

Bob Asplet
Constables give small parishes an advantage, St Helier with some 30% of the island population has one vote, the other 60% have 11 votes. Also only about 10% of Constables actually face a secret ballot.

Montfort Tadier
The Constables wield disproportionate voting power in the states chamber. They represent a legacy of ultra-conservatism and, as their voting record shows, they are blindly pro-establishment, the majority unable to make up their own minds and following the chief-minister麓s lead. If ever we are to have any semblance of democracy in this potato-republic, we need reform, and it must start with stripping the Constables of their voting rights - and ideally removing them from the states completely

Kenneth Harris
If PPC's Option One or Two are adopted and the position of parish deputy is abolished then the Connetables become an essential link with the parishes and should remain in the States.

Barry Simpson
Government should represent the people. The Constables presence in the States is disproportionate to the number to the communities they represent ie; the Constables of St.Mary and St.Helier have an equal standing in the States but the number of the electorate they represent is enormously different. Senators should remain on an Island wide mandate to provide a non parochial but all Island View with proportionally elected Parish Deputies but to retain some Constables Committee representation perhaps 1 - 2 Constables representatives should have a presence in the States.

The Constables should not be in the states. They have enough to do to run their paish. The deputies can look after parish interests in the States. A Constable should not be able to stand as a deputy.

constables should not be in the states unless voted in at a sperate election

why not have 40 states members on a 4 year term,then we could have an island wide election for ten every year

David Journeaux
Deputies are elected on the strength of their policies. Constables are elected on their past services to the Parish - very often unopposed - let them stick to looking after Parish affairs.

no constables, all deputies elected island wide

can,t see why we need constables when we have deputies.they should be their for parish duties,that is what their voted for.

Edward Trevor
The problem is not the constitution of the States but the paucity of some of those elected to it. Unfortunately democracy allows unsuitable people to be elected especially when the "silent majority" remain as such. Keep the Constables in the States as they have a good overview of their own area and can consult with their own Deputies.

Mr A S Vibert
Why have constables when your area is represented by a deputee who could report back to the constable from the states.Get the constable out of the states and save around half a million pounds per annum!

joe...st helier
the constables should not be in the states

The Constables should not have an automatic right to sit in the States. Stick to what Clothier recommended.

Get rid of them i agree with tony let them sleep at home

The Constables are a vital part of the islands history and make-up. As a Jersey person I think they should stay.

I think, if we adopt the 30 members option with larger districts then constables will become an essential contact for islanders as they will be the local contact in the states.

I think the role of the Constable is an important one but on a parochial level ONLY. They shouldn't be voting members of the States of Jersey.

How about following the UK and Isle of Man in having two houses.

A legislative house with voting rights made up of the 30 MSJs (option one and two) and a second scrutiny house made up of the Constables.

The Constables won't have voting rights but will act in a scrutiny role.

There is no way the Constables should be in the States by default. I'd vote for option one but with 40 members and no constables.

Tony Allman
Let them sleep at home not in the States Chamber

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