These contain some examples of vulgar language.
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The Germans have a love-hate relationship with politics. They love debating political issues and get very passionate about them. So called Talkshows are very popular on German TV where politics and celebrities debate the state of the nation.
Germans consider themselves political experts. They have an opinion about each and every topic. Paradoxically they never trust politicians but expect the government to solve every problem for them.
Political affiliations
Politics as usual
(* = familiar, ** = very familiar, *** = vulgar, s = slang, Lit. = Literally)
Die Realos (**) Short for die Realisten, realistic people. Term for members within a party who are regarded as the ones with a more realistic attitude to what's possible.
Die Fundis (**) Short for die Fundamentalisten, fundamentalists. Those members within a party with a more fundamentalist attitude who often like to stick to the old ways.
²Ñü²õ±ô¾±²õ/Ö°ì´Ç²õ (**) An endearing term for people who hug trees, eat organic food (mainly vegetarian) and wear alpaca jumpers and Birkenstocks. Commonly associated with die Grünen, followers of the Green party.
Die Alternativen (**) Politics offering alternative solutions to the main parties, often radically left-wing ideas.
Die Anarchos (**) Short for die Anarchisten: no power to any person, state or government.
Die Faschos (**) Short for die Faschisten, fascists, politicians supporting right-wing ideas. The term is frequently used in a non-political manner for people with conservative ideas or simply as a swear word for unpleasant people.
Die Kommis (**) Short for die Kommunisten, communists.
Die Sozies (**) Short for die Sozialisten, social democrats.
Das politische Urgestein (*) Lit. Political primitive rock. Term used for people such as chancellor Helmut Kohl or Helmut Schmidt, influential people who were in power for a long period of time and had great political influence.
Der Betonkopf (**) Reactionary die-hard. Lit. Concrete head.
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Das politische Blabla (**) That's just political tittle-tattle.
Die Wahlköder (**) The promises voters hear before the election. Lit. Election bait.
Eine Ente (**) Hoax. Lit. Duck. Journalists' term for a fake story which is spreading in the media.
Der Jammerverein (**) Lit. Collective moaning club. Either used for a party or for the voters.
Die Null-Bock-Generation (**) Generation without any interest in politics. Lit. Zero-interest-generation.
Die Spaßgesellschaft (**) Generation only interested in having fun. Lit. Fun generation.
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