
Gabrielle Creevy (Bethan Gwyndaf)

The Bafta Cymru award-winning In My Skin (5x30’) made by Expectation Entertainment is a dark comedy series from writer Kayleigh Llewellyn who has mined her own experiences to create this coming-of-age story about a teenage girl leading a double life.

Published: 23 March 2020
I’m telling you now you are going to see some feisty/sassy Bethan Gwyndaf and I am so here for it.
— Gabrielle Creevy

Firstly congratulations on winning the Bafta Cymru for best actress. How did that feel, winning the award?

Thank you! It still feels surreal. I sometimes check it's still on my mantelpiece before I go to bed or sometimes just stare at it and think how it got there [laughs]. I can't describe how I felt but it was close enough to nearly vomiting when Craig Roberts announced my name. I didn’t think it was my time, I really didn’t. Especially being in the same category as three actresses who I admire. I am very grateful.

What can you tell us about your character Bethan?

Bethan has a complicated life and the only thing she wants is normality (or what she sees as being a normal life) like every other 16 year-old. She's striving to be someone in fact deep down she knows she can be someone but confidence, self-love and a whole load of other things get in the way. She has a heart of gold and her mum is her number one priority. She's an easy target to most people because she doesn’t retaliate, but I’m telling you now you are going to see some feisty/sassy Bethan Gwyndaf and I am so here for it.

Throughout the series we see her take on a parent like role with her mum Katrina, how would you describe their relationship?

I'd describe it as a rollercoaster with a capital R. Ups and downs but their love always wins. They are a team and they'd be lost without each other. Both have their struggles and even though the roles are reversed at times it doesn’t stop Bethan fighting for her. It makes them stronger. Bethan only wants her mum to get better and be the mum she knows she can be but I guess life isn’t that simple.

How would you describe her relationship with her friends Travis and Lydia?

Love/hate. Less hate. Bethan has grown up with Lydia, she's always been there and Travis is a new friend since high school. Travis is more understanding of Beth and (if she could) she would tell Travis everything. Lydia on the other hand doesn’t get it. Life’s a bit of a party for Lydia, and Bethan isn’t like that. But I must say as a trio they are pretty badass. They (think) they are cool. Deep down they have this underlying love for each other but no-one wants to say it.

Why do you think Bethan doesn’t reveal her true home life to her friends?

She's afraid of being judged, left alone and deep down she doesn’t want her mum getting hurt. Also, she's at that age where people can be nasty with words so she knows what the outcome will be... name calling, mocking, rumors etc. She can’t handle that. She might be thick skinned but as we all know life gets a bit much sometimes and this would be the icing on the cake for Bethan. She copes with so much at home between caring for her mum to dealing with her dad so even telling her close friends would break her.

Describe your character in three words...

Brave. Awkward. Charming.

What was it like working with the rest of the cast?

It was a breeze. I have fallen in love with everyone. We've created a family and everyone cares about this so much and you can tell from the amazing performances. There are some emotional moments in the series and everyone was supportive and respected that I needed my own space or even a few minutes. It was a barrel of laughs on and off set.

Have you worked with any of them before?

No, but I do know Aled who plays Priest from many years back so that was cool to act alongside a friend. Actually having known Aled it's funny to see him act as the class clown when he's the complete opposite. Just you wait for Priest. I think you’re going to love him as much as I do.

What was it like filming in Wales?

Lush! I’m from Port Talbot and surprisingly haven’t seen much of Cardiff. Even though it’s the capital. How embarrassing. Wales has some cool and beautiful locations. It was nice to see my mother on my days off who also did my laundry. Bonus really!

What can audiences expect from the series?

To laugh and cry in the matter of two minutes. Well I did anyway.

Are you pleased to be involved with In My Skin?

I couldn’t tell you in words how pleased I am. It will be a job I’ll remember forever. I'm grateful to be trusted with such an important role and that the team (of amazing women including my agents) gave me this opportunity. I remember getting the audition through and thinking I need to play this part and here we are. I am over the moon. The subjects that are dealt with some being mental health, sexuality... these are so current right now and to be involved with something that covers these and more in such a heartbreaking and laugh your head off way is pretty awesome.

What do you hope people will take away from watching In My Skin?

I'm hoping people will understand mental health even a fraction more and the effect it has on others around them. Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors so be nice. I hope people know they can always seek help no matter how big or small the issue is. I hope all the Bethan Gwyndaf's out there know they have the power to be whoever they want.

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