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17 September 2014
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Thetford Forest

Modern forest

Deer in Thetford Forest c/o Thetford Forest

Thetford Forest is the biggest lowland forest in England with more than 19,000 hectares of woodland, an area about the size of Nottingham.

It's a great place to see woodland birds.

Deer are amongst the forest residents at Thetford

One of Britain's newer woodlands, Thetford was created by the Forestry Commission in 1922 as a commercial forest.

Thousands of Scots Pines were planted, together with some Corsican Pines and a few broadleaf trees to provide fast growing softwood.

Once thought to be a monoculture, these softwoods actually provide a wonderful mosaic of habitats due to forestry management work.

As a commercial woodland, Thetford Forest is harvested on a regular basis, leaving areas of open scrubland in the middle of the wood which are perfect for wildlife.

Up with the lark

Wood LarkThe forest has a large population of Red Deer, Roe Deer and Muntjac, all of which are attracted by plentiful food.

Unfortunately the deer, especially the voracious Muntjac, often destroy new tree saplings so their numbers have to be managed and culled.

Parts of the forest are so dense that it's hard to imagine anything living in the murky interior, but these areas are good habitats for birds such as Thrushes as well as Snails and Squirrels.

Within the woods and close to the visitor centre look out for woodland birds such as Red Crossbills with their red, white and black faces and Goldfinches with a stripe of yellow on their wing.

Thetford Forest is also one of the best places in the Britain to find Woodlarks especially during March and April.

These birds like bare ground for food and some vegetation to nest in and wooded areas for perches.

Listen out for this well-camouflaged bird's stunning songs in spring.

Woodland birds

Siskin c/o Thetord ForestOther birds which love this woodland habitat are Redpoll (with a bright red cap), Bramblings (the male has a black head and orange chest) and Siskins (pictured), which love pine trees.

The forest is also a perfect habitat for Woodlarks who prefer woodland clearings, where fresh harvesting provides for their food needs.

This bird is one of the stars of the forest with its exquisitely beautiful songs.

Woodland clearings are also good places to find reptiles such as Adders, but keep your distance because these creatures are poisonous.

Muntjac Deer c/o Thetford ForestPhoto credits

Thanks to Roger Woods and Thetford Forest for photo images of the Deer and Siskin.


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