
Do you think the school holidays should be shorter?

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Nel explains what's happening

Hands up if you're excited about the summer holidays? Of course you are! But would you change how long your summer break is?

Some of you get six weeks off, while other schools get four weeks off school over the summer - and this means more holidays at other times of the year.

At the moment most schools have to follow rules set by the Local Education Authority, and these rules decide how long term times are, and how many weeks holiday you get at different times of the year.

The government wants to change this - they want each school in England to choose their own holidays and term times, which would mean it would be up to your teachers and your parents to decide. You will still have to do the same number of school days in a year though.

We want to know what you think? Should you have a shorter summer holiday? Do you think it's important to have a longer break over the summer? Tell us what you think and why.

Your comments

"Noooo!! My Birthday is at the start of the holidays and if they made the holidays shorter I would have school on my birthday! Kids also need a break and more time to go on holidays abroad!!"

Lily-Rose, London, England

"I think school holidays should not be shorter because it gives you the opportunity to develop other important skills by just being adventurous and playing with your friends."

Daniel, Melrose ,Scotland

"We think that the school holidays (6 weeks) should remain as they are because it is what most students are familiar with and 6 weeks gives lots of time to complete work, projects and revision. Students feel that they work hard towards the goal of 6 weeks holiday, it's something to look forward to. It's hard to work at school during the hot weather!!"

Miss Taylor and her tutor group, Kent, England

"I personally dislike it but I can see why some teachers want it because some pupils forget what they have learned over the holidays."

Ryan, Liverpool, England

"I think six weeks is great. I don't think it should change. It's long enough to get a rest, have lots of time and spend time with your family so I don't think it should change."

Orla, Glasgow, Scotland

"I think the summer holidays should be spread out evenly during the Easter holidays, the October holidays and the Christmas holidays because it gives us more time to see our friends and family!"

Morgan, Glasgow, Scotland

"No way!!! I think summer holidays are the right length. I would prefer them to be longer than shorter."

Dave, Suffolk, England

"I usually get bored during the summer holidays. I think they should be shorter by about 2 weeks."

Grace, Edinburgh, Scotland

"I want a few more weeks so that there is more time with family and for clubs."

Bella, London, England

"I think we should have 6 weeks holiday because most of the time we'll be in school studying very hard and concentrating and we should have at least 6 weeks of our holiday time to relax and have fun after all of the studying."

Anita, London, England

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I think school holidays should stay the same because kids should have more time with family than in school."

Ben, Scarborough, England

"I think children should get the same 6 weeks summer holiday because if some children are gong to secondary school they need to think about what is going to change. Also children need a break from school."

Emily, Northamptonshire, England

"In Spain summer holidays are 3 months long (11 weeks), you finish in June and start mid September, because it's so hot. You do however get quite bored after a bit."

Cleo, Spain

"I think that we should have two months off in summer holidays and less throughout the year because this is what they do in Poland and all different countries."

Danielle, Blackpool, England

"We have 12 weeks off during the summer holidays and I wouldn't change a thing."

Ethan, Galway, Ireland

"No, because we need our full rest and fun time which shorter holidays wouldn't allow."

M, London, England

"I really don't want 4 weeks because I like to play with my friends."

Adam, Nottingham, England