
How to boss going back to school!

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How to boss going back to school

A new school term can be exciting - or a bit scary!

Maybe you're about to start a new year, or even a new school - maybe you've already gone back and have been settling in after the summer hols.

Well, don't you worry! Here's the Newsround guide to smashing the new term and heading back to school like a boss...

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Be organised

First things first - get organised! What do you need? Going back to school means you might need some amazing new stationery!

News pens, new pencils, new cases... whatever you need make sure you're all organised and have everything ready for the new term.

You could even impress your friends and customise your old school bag!

Forward plan

Ever have those dreams where you turn up at school in your pyjamas? Well, make sure those nightmares don't become reality with some forward planning!

You could keep a to-do list on your phone's notes, or take a photo of your timetable so you know what you'll be doing and where you'll be going.

Get your school bag and uniform all prepared, so you're ready for the first morning and you don't need to rush. Believe us you'll feel better for it!

Regular sleeping pattern

In the days before, try and get back to your regular sleeping pattern.

Over the holidays you might have been staying up a little later than usual, or spending longer in bed in the morning but now it's time to get back to a regular sleeping pattern.

It's tempting to stay up late playing one more game or watching one more video, but a lack of sleep can make it hard to concentrate - so live your best school life by getting the rest you need.

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Five top tips for a good night's sleep

Eat healthy

Make sure you start the day with a healthy breakfast, maybe a banana, or some healthy cereal.

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water, and snack on fruit at break times.

New classmates

You will more than likely have some new classmates this year, and possibly even a new teacher. Try to be patient and friendly with them and remember they could be nervous too.

Say hello to anyone new and ask them how their summer went!

Focus on YOU

Sometimes it can seem like all your mates are starting the term with fancy new phones and devices, or telling you all about an amazing holiday they had.

But remember, sometimes people can just be showing off, focus on being your best and try not to get hung up on what "everyone else" has got.

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Ask for help

Don't be afraid to ask for help if you can't find your way round or you're having any difficulties on your first few days.

Ask one of your teachers for advice and, don't worry, in no time you will find your way.

School life has ups-and-downs, and if something's worrying you don't keep it to yourself!

Be yourself

But, the most important thing is... to be yourself! Everyone in your new class will be experiencing changes, whether they're new to the school or not. Think of all the exciting things you'll get to do this year.

This is how to boss going back to school!

Try our back to school quiz!