
Azeem Rafiq: MPs criticise Yorkshire County Cricket Club over handling of racism

Rafiq AzeemImage source, Getty Images

Members of Parliament are investigating racism at Yorkshire County Cricket Club (YCCC) after details of the treatment of former player, Azeem Rafiq, have been released.

It comes after an investigation by YCCC that found that Rafiq was the "victim of racial harassment and bullying", but the club said no disciplinary action would be taken.

A story published by sports channel ESPN says the report found that a racially offensive term used towards Rafiq was regarded as "banter" by the cricket club.

What is 'banter'?

Banter is a friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

It should not be offensive, racist or bullying.

This has angered a lot of people who are now calling for action to be taken. Julian Knight, Chair of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Select Committee, is calling for the board of Yorkshire County Cricket Club to resign and for the player who used the racist term to be suspended.

Who is Azeem Rafiq and what happened to him?

Azeem Rafiq is a former England U19 and Yorkshire cricket captain. He played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club from 2008 - 2014 then 2016 - 2018.

Last year Rafiq told the ESPN "institutional racism" at the club affected his mental health.

The player said he was in pain every day from the racist behaviour. He also said when he reported the racism it was "ignored" by the club.

What is racism?

Racism is when someone is treated differently because of the colour of their skin or their culture.

This can mean treating someone badly because they look different or speak a different language.

Or it can mean bullying someone whose religious beliefs or cultural tradition may mean they wear their hair a certain way dress differently

Institutional racism is when racism is so deep-rooted in an organisation that it affects the way that organisation is run. Racism is accepted or ignored, and those who call it out are often ignored or punished.

How was it investigated?

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Azeem Rafiq was at Yorkshire County Cricket Club from 2008 to 2014 then 2016 to 2018.

An independent report was commissioned by Yorkshire County Cricket Club in August 2020.

Azeem Rafiq made 43 allegations of racism and the panel confirmed seven of the allegations.

The report agreed that Rafiq had been a victim of "racial harassment and bullying", but the panel said it was unable to decide whether or not there was institutional racism.

More on racism

What else was in the report?

Not everything in the report was the released but ESPN claims they have seen parts which were removed including a senior player that plays for the club admitting using a racist term about Rafiq's Pakistani heritage.

But the Yorkshire County Cricket Club report concluded it was "friendly and good-natured banter".

A spokesman for Prime Minister said Boris Johnson was "absolutely clear that racist language like that should never be used in any context whatsoever".

The spokesman said: "These are very serious allegations which have clearly had a significant impact on Azeem Rafiq and it's important they are investigated thoroughly and quickly."

What did Yorkshire Country Cricket Club say?

When part of the report was originally released Yorkshire chairman Roger Hutton apologised to Rafiq and his family.

"There is no question that Azeem Rafiq, during his first spell as a player at YCCC, was the victim of racial harassment," Hutton said in a statement. "He was also subsequently the victim of bullying."

However, the club recently said it will not take disciplinary action against any player, employee or executive over the harassment.

What's the response from politicians?

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Health secretary Sajid Javid has spoken out against the actions of Yorkshire County Cricket Club

Julian Knight MP, chair of the DCMS select committee, called it "one of the most repellent and disturbing episodes in modern cricket history".

In a tweet he also said the Yorkshire County Cricket Club board which supervises the club, should not be in charge.

What is the DCMS Select Committee?

The Digital Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Select Committee.

It's their job to make sure public bodies, like sports clubs, are op erating properly and fairly and are not breaking any rules.

They can investigate any behaviour or practises they believe to be wrong.

"Given the endemic racism at Yorkshire County Cricket Club, I struggle to think of any reason why that the board should remain in post," he said.

Health secretary Sajid Javid said in a tweet people at YCCC need to be made accountable and urged the English and Wales cricket board to look into it.

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries called Rafiq's treatment "disgusting" and said "the investigation that followed only makes it even worse".

In a tweet she added that any ECB investigation must be "swift and fully transparent. Racism must be confronted, and NEVER written off as just "banter"".

The campaign group Hope Not Hate has also tweeted to say "Casual' racism is not banter. Racism is racism." .

What happens now?

The England and Wales cricket board (ECB) has already begun its own investigation and a spokesperson said: "Last week we received Yorkshire CCC's report into the racism and bullying allegations Azeem Rafiq made against the club.

''We are conscious about the length of time that Azeem has waited for resolution and the toll that must be taking on his wellbeing and that of his family. We are sorry that, as a sport, this has not yet been resolved."

The DCMS committee has asked the YCCC chairman to appear before them so they can question him about the handling of the club's investigation and wants "a much fuller explanation than we have had so far".

Azeem Rafiq has also been invited by the committee of MPs to share his experiences of racism at the club.