Do u msg how u write irl: Does grammar and punctuation matter online?

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When you're messaging your friends or posting on social media, how much do you think about punctuation and grammar?

Always, a little or not at all? Well, research suggests that how you message could be a result of your age.

A recent survey found that less than a quarter of younger people born between 1995 to 2015 use full stops, capital letters, commas and quotation marks in their casual communications, like messages.

That was compared to more than half of older people.

Do you think grammar and punctuation matter in messages and online? Are capital letters and full stops a must for you, or do you ditch them when you're chatting to others?

Grammar may seem a bit of a bore but language experts would say it allows you to be really clear in expressing what you mean and avoiding misunderstanding.

That can be very important in writing when there is no body language or tone of voice to help people communicate.

However the English language is constantly changing, and many words which are frequently used online being added to dictionaries each year, and that doesn't even touch on using emojis or memes instead of words.

Image source, Getty Images

But punctuation and grammar often tails off online, with many users not bothering with capital letters at all.

The survey found that 69% of people use correct punctuation in text messages, but on social media this slipped massively, with less than 10 per cent bothering on Snapchat and TikTok.

So while punctuation and grammar might be important at school, when it comes to chatting to mates or family it looks like it's less of an issue the younger you are.