
Leopards find love on animal 'dating site'

Female Amur Leopard lies on a rock Image source, Colchester Zoo
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Lena the leopard has found "love" with partner Freddo from an online mate matching service

Meet Lena, she is a female Amur Leopard who was previously living at Colchester Zoo.

However, she has recently been welcomed too Dartmoor Zoo where she will meet her potential boyfriend - another Amur Leopard called Freddo.

Freddo and Lena were matched to one another after Freddo's profile was posted on the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS).

It's a bit like a dating app but it's just for zoo animals!

Dartmoor Zoo hope that Lena and Freddo will be a suitable match for one another to help boost the population of the species.

Image source, Dartmoor Zoological Society
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Freddo has been at Dartmoor Zoo since November 2023

Amur Leopards are considered one of the rarest cat species in the world.

The World Wildlife Fund estimates there are at least 120 adult leopards living in Russia and north-east China, rising from much lower figures in recent years, thanks to conversation efforts.

But this number is still very low, which the leopards are classed as critically endangered.

Conservationists are hoping to increase the population by breeding leopards like Freddo and Lena, who are kept in captivity.

Image source, Colchester Zoo
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Lena's arrival is part of Dartmoor Zoo's efforts with animal conservation

Dartmoor Zoo鈥檚 CEO David Gibson commented:

"One of the many essential roles that modern zoos perform is the Conservation Breeding of Critically Endangered species such as Amur Leopards.

"We are delighted to be able to play our part in the continued conservation of this iconic and charismatic species."

Let's hope the pair will be welcoming some cubs in the future!