Ian Simmons, Fortean Times
In 1897 a gamekeeper
at West Bilney Hall near King's Lynn was out late at night stopping
up fox earths when he saw a very bright blue light fly close to
his face, startling him.
He saw it again
several times that night, and returned on subsequent nights to try
and discover what it was, carrying his gun to shoot it.
He described
the event...
"At last I saw
the light skimming over the ground. I waited until it was within
a few yards of me, then fired at the light. It being dark, you might
fancy my surprise when I found ...a barn owl dead on the ground.
"I have
seen a great many owls since then, but I never saw one before give
out any light."
Other people
in Norfolk at the time also encountered glowing owls, but nowhere
else, and they have not been seen since.
Exactly what
caused them remains a mystery.
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During the 1980s,
the swans on the river Wensum baffled experts by all turning bright
blue - RSPCA inspectors tried to catch the birds to solve the mystery.
It turned out
to be related to a nutritional deficiency - they were living entirely
off bread thrown in by passers-by and not eating a balanced diet
- and they turned blue as a result.
here for more weirdness>>>
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