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(Wild Cherry)
avium, better known as wild cherry, is perhaps
one of our most attractive native woodland trees.
Wild cherry is often found in old hedgerows
and in mixed deciduous woodland, usually at
the wood’s edge. According to the Woodland
Trust, this species will make a wonderful addition
to any wildlife garden. However, when planning
your planting do give some thought to space,
this beautiful tree can grow up to 25 metres.
Wild cherry will definitely bring a brilliant
splash of colour to your garden. Reddish-brown
bark, beautiful spring blossom and rich autumn
tones are all on offer.
tree’s light green leaves are oval shaped
with a toothed edge. In autumn they’ll
give your garden a warm glow, turning a rich
red colour before finally dropping. The following
spring, usually April, brings showy clusters
of pretty white flowers, which attract a whole
range of insects. The tree’s fruit –
the familiar cherries - are round and are initially
yellow-red in colour before ripening to dark
red in July. The edible cherries can be bitter
in taste and have less flesh than their cultivated
relations. However, if you do have plans for
their consumption, you will need to be quick!
Birds are keen contenders for the wild cherries
and can be quick to strip the ripe fruit from
the trees. In return for a satisfying meal,
a bird will kindly make its contribution to
nature by scattering the seeds in its droppings
- potential wild cherry trees of the future.
grow well on any reasonably fertile soil. However,
they won’t tolerate waterlogged soil or
total shade, preferring a sunny position. Strong
winds can quickly destroy the show of spring
blossom; so do think carefully about your planting
and birds will give you top marks for introducing
a wild cherry to your garden. And it’s
sure to attract an admiring glance from the
neighbours. Beautiful spring blossom, bright
summer fruits and warm autumn leaves –
what better way to bring a touch of natural
beauty to your home.
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