lot of time and effort!"
We are delighted to feature some of the amazing photographs
by local photographer Vincent, that were taken in and around
Northern Ireland.
Especially impressive are the photos of the badger and
fox. Vincent told us how he went about getting such great
"The shots were taken about 2 years ago and took a
lot of time and effort. I used the flowers and logs to build
'sets' and used a remote camera and flashes."
It is rare to see either a badger or a fox, but to spot
them together is especially fortunate. Vincent said:
"The shot of the fox was by luck. I had the camera
set up with the intention of photographing the badger. I
baited the ground with peanuts and raisins and waited."
He said: "The fox is rural and very elusive, and only
comes when it is very dark. As I waited the badger appeared
as usual, but at that moment the fox appeared too and faced
the badger head on! The badger backed off and when I took
the photo the noise made him turn to face the camera. The
flashes went off and he took off in rather a hurry."
It took a lot of time and effort for Vincent to get these
pictures, but often all it takes is to be in the right place
at the right time.
Maybe bring a camera outdoors with you next time you go
for a walk and see what pictures you can take.
Breathing Places if you have any photos that
show nature at its best. Don't worry about re-sizing them.
We can do that for you.
Remember to keep an eye out for nature in all its glory
and on this page for more to come.