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24 September 2014
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Should we kill all the pigeons?

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I wholeheartedly agree with Ken Livingstone that pigeons, are nothing but flying rats. They pollute the areas they live and breeed in, contributing nothing to the area except their mess. Why dont those who love these dirty creatures clean up after they foul up the wonderful sculptures and buildings, then see the difference. The tourists will still love the places of interest but the difference will be that they can appreciate the places without the pigeon droppings on themselves and all about them.

R Trowse
Rochester, Kent, UK

clean up the city just get rid of the birds... they are just a pest.

michael handley

People leave far more mess on the pavements of Nottingham than pigeons. I'm tired of the chewing gum splodges and litter everywhere. At least eh rain washes pigeon muck away. Why can't they just be culled from time to time and made into delicious pigeon pie, served up in traditional style for pub lunches?


on a similar theme

the problem with most inner cities, is not the birds but the people. The amount of chewing gum left on our pavements is disgusting, in the least the bird droppings are biodegradable

K. Wakeling

Well, I can take or leave pigeons. But I think we should cull Canada Geese, Magpies and CATS - now dont get me started on CATS!!

Derby (thinking of moving to Blackburn)

Local TV news raised this subject again today. No one spoke about the sheer variety of diseases which they carry. More even than rats! Maybe we should encourage them too?

Nottingham UK

if they get rid of the pigeons who is going to clean up all the dropped chips, kebabs and all the other food what people kindly discard on the floor,we would have more rats running around

mansfield notts



Contraceptives for pigeons! What next? Supply all male pigeons with condoms and all female pigeons with the morning after pill!

Long Eaton

however, some would disagree

If ALL Local Authorities fed the pigeon population with a "contraceptive-added" feed, the problem would be solved in an instant!

John Burrows

and another

Contraceptive pills - let them decrease gradually, they are not killers like magpies. Magpies are cruel they murder many small birds every year. Cull MAGPIES not pigeons. Pigeons are nice they just want somewhere comfortable to live as we all do!


i hate pigeons i wish they would go and we would not see them again. i hate it how their poo hits everyone as they walk.

reema patel

Wood pigeons in a pie - cool, ferral pigeons in the town, sorry. They are over-crowded, pathetic specimens of a species that has lost all dignity. They exist on hand outs and appear to be de-naturalised, encouraged by soft, sappy do-gooders (the same thing is happening to foxes and Big issue sellers/beggars). If it wasn't for these well meaning but misguided people the above mentioned creatures would be less in number but rank much higher in the natural order of things.


theres much more vermin in people than in pigeons


I love pigeons!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hear,hear, As someone who regularly works outside in the streets of Nottingham I am appalled at the unhygenic mess left as a result of these unthinking people who are feeding these birds. Why don't they feed them at their own homes or don't they want the mess that we have to put up with.

David Hunter
Bleasby, Notts

don't be nasty to he pigeons, they are cute and have a big right to live save the pigeons!!

castle donington

I wish they would get rid of the pigeons - it would make Nottingham a much cleaner city. What would make Nottingham even better would be if they got rid of the Big Issue sellers and beggars - then we'd have a gorgeous city!! :) PS: Leicester doesn't have such a problem with pigeons - why??


in a similar vein

Yeah - get rid of them along with Big Issue Sellers and the beggars that plague Nottingham!


Hey how would you like to be hunted down and SHOT, I wouldn't like it and i'm sure you wouldn't either. The pigeons have just as much right to live as you or anyone else.

Stephen Ashworth
Beeston, Nottingham

in reply

Sorry Stephen you don't have to 'hunt down' pigeons - they are so stupid they come to you to be shot. Perhaps they want to die?


Paul is right they do want to die. I was a pigeon in a previous life and had a death wish, I used to taunt cats until one a big ginger Tom got his teeth round my neck. Still I cam back as a human alls well that ends well eh?

West Bridgford

but Stephen has his allies

I agree with Stephrn. They have done nothing wrong. I love animals and I think they all have a right to live. All they do is share our streets with us and they walk out of your way when you walk past. Killing them and destroying their home is a crime. Paul is a mindless *** who aught to listen to Stephen. When the people don't give them food, their babys die of starvation, sometimes before they have opened their eyes. And I've never heard such a stupid thing in my life Paul! "Perhaps they want to dye?" How thick are you, because I'm beginning to wonder. And all the rest of you sensless * should also listen! They are living creatures aswell and should be left where they are, not killed or moved out.

Sarah Valley

and in support

If dogs or cats were living on the streets and runing around loose everywhere, then you would take them to a pound and find a new home for them. Just because they are a common bird, I think it should be taken into consideratoin that they are living creatures and we should not try and harm them. After all, they don't hurt us so we have no right to hurt them. And Sarah Valley's right, that is a stupid thing to say Paul.


Why kill the pigeons? What do we gain out of it? just because there numbers are high we should kill them? I mean I thought we were supposed to be the more inteligent lifeform here, well if that is so then how is killing a few pigeons going to solve any of lifes little problems. If anything its us who need to go down in numbers not the pigeons. I mean we are the ones killing the ozane layer destroying the land we live on, and we are createing wars. NOT the pigeons. Some people say kill them because they carry disease well its the humans who can carry AIDS, THE FLU, STOMACH VIRIUS'S AMD MANY MANY MORE LIFE THREATNING ILNESSES. NOT the PIGEONS. How many times do you here about a human becomming sick of a pigeon. Now how many times do you here about a human contracting a disease of another human. We are the ones spreading colds in the air and we are the ones giving people aids. We are the ones createing nuclear wars and killing a few thousand people in the blink of the eye not the pigeons. For all those people who say pigeons are stupid kill them they are worthless. Well if thats the way how life works then why dont we kill a few thousand humans who have under developed minds and are worthless. I mean its are spicies who are threating the fucture of this planet not the pigeons. There are many vermon in Nottingham and I not talking about the pigeons.


We should invent a horrible nasty virus to irradicate the pigeon plague. It is only just of our society to impose the same disease and suffering that pigeons have brought upon us. May the decay of their carcasses fertilize the farms of our great nation.

Kingman, USA

I like the pigeons in Nottingham, always have always will. So trusting, so friendly and sammy you are one sick person, what are you on

Gentle lady

So what there is a problem with the number off pigeons. I mean there is also a problem with the human population which is causeing great harm to the Earth. But its not the pigeons that are killing the ozone layer starting wars causeing great suffering and pain, its us. I thought we are supposed to be the more intelligent life form here? well if we are so intelligent then how is killing pigeons going to solve any off the problems we face with the Earth today. Just because they are not so intelligent that is no reason to kill them. I mean if thats how life works then why dont we eliminate a few less advance humans, that will help are population problem and food shortage problem that so many 3rd world countries have problems with everyday. Why dont we just let them die naturaly as nature intended. What is the point of killing them. One minute we are tring to save an indangered spicies the next we are killing another harmless spicies. If you ask me the pigeons are not t! ! he problem we are.


We have a CROW problem here....any suggestions?

Tokyo Japan

Was really enjoying reading this thread from all over the world. Seems like every city has an issue. Pigeons are really a WORLD problem. I join my voice from San Francisco, the city of overpopulated stupid pigeons and equally stupid city government. You can't do a damn thing to get rid of them if you harm them anyhow. No shooting, trapping, poisoning, nothing. At one instance, the guy who runs a hawk service was allowed to use his trained hawks in San Francisco was allowed to use his hawks only after he prove that hawks do not harm pigeons, but "gently bring them to the ground" (i wonder how assholes from city government had tested this)

1. Pigeons are worthless, not counting diseases and shit damage they bring. There's lots more nicer songbirds that may live in pigeon-free world (and you can feed and enjoy them too).

2. People who created an artificial predator-free world for pigeons in the cities are responsible for breaking delicate nature's balance. It should be fixed. If there's no natural enemies who control the outgrown population of pigeons in world's cities, there should be an equal artificial solution.

Therefore, if government does nothing to control pigeons, the citizens should be allowed to clear the area around their houses by any possible means. More, if you care much about Trafalgar, Union or Times Square, leave your PC, go out, take the airgun and shoot, shoot, shoot damn creatures.

As for those idiots who like to feed pigeons, catch one, put it into cage and feed as long as you want, but without creating problems for the rest of us.

San Francisco

Pigeon pie is delicious - i live in the countryside though. I wouldnt dare eat a town pidgeon. They definatly need shooting in the town -they are a danger to all around

Near Nottingham

Pigeons are a nuisance & a pain in city centres & I would have no qualms about shooting them, but have you ever been to Leeds or other northern cities. The starlings kick up a terrible noise & are a much bigger nuisance than the pigeons. Unfortunately keeping them is the best idea, but a little culling would not go amiss.

Nottingham, England

Pigeons, anyone who thinks pigeons carry sickness is ignorent.

Amanda Kennedy
Sanfrancisco USA

For all you people who love pigeons, tell me one thing. What have they done for anyone so we may deserve theie love? Has anyone heard of a pigeon who brought them their morning paper? or played fetch the bone, or even a simply task as wagging their tails to keep us entertained?. PLEASE... you people are pathetic! The sad part is that from the "cr$p" they eat on the streets, you can't even find a "desease-free" pigeon to eat. I'm not comparing "species" supremacy, but we "humans" get eaten by bears in the mountains and by sharks in the sea. You're a mental case if you say that you lose sleep to think that these birds are being hunted. PLEASE... get a life.

New York City, NY - USA

I am 13 and go to maquarie boys high. People who think pigeons are a nuisance and think they are threat to people well you are wrong from my experience of working with pigeons breeding, watching, learning and having to know that they are the most clean good breeders quiet until breeding season and and lastly they are not a threat to humans they do not spread desease you can find out by ringing or finding it out on the net on the poultry desease pigeons or contact the csiro or rspca.Anyway God made let God end it so if God said humans are creating to much pullution why not kill them. See take that as a example hope you don't kill the pigeons

Kris Govind
Berala, Sydney, Australia

Pigeons are filthy, disease-ridden, vermin. It is about time people faced reality : People come first. Pigeons come nowhere. I volunteer to shoot the flying vermin free of charge.

w Edwards
Mansfield, UK

If anyone has seen the numbers in Lincoln, they would agree that something should be done to keep them at a minimum..
And as for the ones on my roof at half past dawn every morning making a horrible noise... Well they should all be hung, drawn and quartered..


One word - vermin! Shoot 'em all.

Andy Selemba
Luton, England

I think the shooting (or controlling) of pigeons is something that should have been done years ago and I think the same should be extended to Traffalger Square. There are many restaurants in the area and the pigeon dust from the pigeon excrement finds its way onto the food the tourist consumes. Lovely!!

Bill Platts
Sawtry, Peterborough

I am 53, a teacher, have a masters degree plus 32 credits, and have kept and been fascinated by pigeons since the age of 5. Today I breed and show Birmingham (of England) roller pigeons.

Both domestic and wild (ferel) pigeons are naturally clean, bathe often, and not prone to spreading diseases which injure humans or livestock. Just as humans carry and spread diseases to other humans and not to other animals or birds, pigeons spread diseases specific to pigeons to other pigeons and almost never to humans, pets, or livestock. If you doubt this, contact your national disease center for information on illnesses or deaths attributed to pigeons. You will be hard pressed to find anything beyond the documentation of individuals who are extremely allergic to bird dust (be it finches, chickens, or parrots) and develop a condition known as bird breeders lung. This condition usually only develops after years and years of continuous contact with birds inside of coops, lofts, barns, etc., in which birds are housed in great numbers and in which the dust is retained in high concentrations. If you do take the time to do scientific research and ignore the more popular myth !
that pigeons are flying rats, you will find that pigeons, even wild pigeons, are no more a threat to the health of humans than are the foxes, deer, sparrows, and all the other things which run or fly wild in the world.

As regards the great numbers of pigeons in cities you must understand that pigeons are, by nature, cliff dwellers. They are only doing what God commanded. Unfortunately, cities are full of man made cliffs which make ideal nesting spots. Cities are also an abundant source of food even without the few people who feed them. Most important, whereas pigeons adapted easily to cities, their natural predators -- falcons, hawks, owls, and egg eating animals have not. Any bird or animal, including humans, provided prime nesting spots, no shortage of things to eat, and no natural predators to keep their numbers under control will reproduce until their numbers affect the enviroment. Such is the problem of ferel pigeons in the city.

If pigeons nested in shrubs or trees as do doves, crows, hawks, etc., there would be no outcry for their extermination because their droppings wouldn't be seen. Because of their tendency to perch and nest in the same place and the fact that these locations are difficult to reach and subsequently clean, an abundance of pigeons and the droppings they produce can legitimately be considered a nuisance.

Please be aware that pigeon droppings, even in abundance, while unsightly and a nuisance, are no more prone to disease than dog or cat waste. It is just more difficult to clean up or get rid of because of the roosting habits of the birds.

To lower the concetration of pigeons in your city you must eliminate as much of their nesting areas as possible, reduce the amount of food they can forage, especially around grain storage facilities and rail transport areas. Lastly, you should consider introducing natural predators. We have introduced Perigrine Falcons into the Milwaukee area. They are reproducing and we now have about 5 pair. However, they are very territorial and only a few more pair will find a nesting area of their own in our city before they begin to interfere with each other. While they do eat a lot of pigeons, we still have plenty left for those of us who enjoy wathching them.

Eliminating nesting areas, reducing food sources, and introducing natural predetors is much humane than is mass annihilation by shooting or poisoning. Pigeons are God's creatures also.

Milwaukee, WI/USA

in reply

Michael from Milwaukee has some impressive qualifications! How long has a 'FERAL' pigeon been a 'WILD' pigeon? In the UK a Wood pigeon is the wild variety.( White bars across the wings). We tend to shoot those as well!


I think that something should Definately be done to control their numbers. I would have nothing against them is they didn't carry TB, but since they do i think that is a reason to keep their population down to a minimum, while i'm not sure that walking around and shooting them is the best way to keep their numbers down to a minimum, but something should be done to illegalize or something like that.

Bruce H
Whitbey, Canada

Pidgeons, an undisputed health hazard and should be controlled. Lets stop thinking in terms of cuddly intelligent animal and recognise health hazerd when we see it. Furthermore lets start controlling the fools who feed them! There is one other thing on the same level as this, and thats dog's crapping in our streets. Lets stop that too!


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