Hymns for Weddings
Songs of Praise Conductor Simon Lole has given some background on each hymn and why they are a good choice for the wedding service.
All Things Bright And Beautiful
Words: Mrs C.F. Alexander;
Tunes: Royal Oak – Traditional arr. Martin Shaw; All Things Bright and Beautiful – W.H.Monk

Why it's a good choice:
Ideal for baptisms and weddings, this ever popular children’s hymn reminds us of the greatness of God, the Creator.
A popular hymn for children hymn and well-known by two different tunes. The text reflects verse of the Apostles Creed and is possibly influenced also by verses from Psalm 104.
Amazing Grace
Words: John Newton; Tune: American Folk Melody

Why it's a good choice:
Another very suitable hymn for a wedding as the words focus on God’s grace and knowing that He is with us at all times. It is also apt for funerals as the words focus on finding peace in death and knowing that God is with us.
The text for this hymn was written in 1779 by the English poet and cleric, John Newton, a former slave trader who found faith after a violent storm at sea. It tells of forgiveness and redemption through the mercy of God.
And Can It Be
Words: Charles Wesley; Tune: Thomas Campbell

Why it's a good choice:
This hymn is ideally suited for a wedding as it tells of God’s love and mercy.
This is one of Charles Wesley’s best-known texts and was written in 1738 soon after his conversion to Christianity. The tune, “Sagina” was written by Thomas Campbell, of whom little is known other than that he published a set of 23 hymn tunes in 1823.
Be Still For The Presence Of The Lord
Words and Music: David Evans

Why it's a good choice:
This lovely hymn works really well for baptisms and weddings as it reminds us to be still and focus totally on God.
This contemporary worship song, written in the 1980’s by composer David Evans has become one of the most widely used songs of the last 50 years. The tune captures the sentiment of the hymn – that we should clear our minds of everything for a moment and focus on the Lord.
Be Thou My Vision
Words: 8th century Irish Traditional; Tune: Irish Traditional

Why it's a good choice:
This hymn is regularly used at baptisms and weddings, reminding us that God is ever with us.
The words of this hymn are based on a Middle Irish poem. which was translated into English by Eleanor Hull. Since 1919, it has been paired to an Irish folk tune “Slane”.
For The Beauty Of The Earth
Words: F.S.Pirpoint; Tunes: Dix – W.H.Monk; England’s Lane – Tradition arr. Geoffrey Shaw

Why it's a good choice:
A popular hymn, very apt for a wedding as it is a great reminder of all the beauty that surrounds us and not to take this foir granted.
A popular hymn, traditionally associated with Harvest-time and associated with two contrasting tunes.
Give Me Joy In My Heart
Traditional – Author Unknown

Why it's a good choice:
With its upbeat nature and joyful rhythms, this lovely hymn asks for the joy, peace and love that we need if we want to follow Jesus.
This is a traditional Christian hymn – author unknown – and is based on the parable of the ten virgins.
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Words: Thomas Chisholm; Tune: William Runyan

Why it's a good choice:
This wonderful hymn tells of God’s faithfulness, mercy and love towards us all.
This American hymn, which tells of the faithfulness of God, is sung very regularly in the UK. It received a lot of early exposure by the evangelist, Billy Graham, who used it at many of his international crusades.
Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer
Words: W. Williams; Music: John Hughes

Why it's a good choice:
This hymn is regularly used at baptisms, weddings and funerals; bringing comfort with its wonderful reminder of a God who provides for those in need and to bring us safely to heaven at the end of our lives.
This hymn was written in 1745 by William Williams. He uses imagery from the book of Exodus to conjure up a theme of God’s guidance through struggle. The tune “Cwm Rhondda” was written by John Hughes in 1905 and is most effective in its use of repeated words for greater emphasis of the text.
Here I Am To Worship
Word and Music: Tim Hughes

Why it's a good choice:
This popular worship song speaks of God’s love for us and is very suitable for weddings.
In 1999, Tim Hughes was looking to create a musical response to Philippians 2:5, "Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus". This theme was joined with a melody idea and the song was born. The lyrics focus upon humility and the sacrifice Jesus made for all.
Words: William Blake; Tune: Sir Hubert Parry

Why it's a good choice:
This is a very popular choice for a wedding or a funeral with its stirring and patriotic tune.
One of our most patriotic hymns, known especially from the Last Night of the Proms. The hymn has caused much controversy with its different interpretations. In the most common, Blake implies that a visit by Jesus would create heaven, in contrast to the “dark Satanic Mills”. The tune was famously orchestrated by Sir Edward Elgar.
Lead Us Heavenly Father Lead Us
Words: James Edmeston; Music: Friedrich Filitz

Why it's a good choice:
A lovely hymn, perfectly suited for a wedding as it asks for guidance and protection from God.
This well-known hymn was written by the English Anglican architect and hymn-writer, James Edmeston. It was first published in 1821.
Lord Of All Hopefulness
Words: Jan Struther; Tune: Irish Traditional

Why it's a good choice:
The words of this hymn are perfectly suited for a baptism, wedding or funeral as it asks for God’s presence with us at all times.
This hymn was written by the English writer, Jan Struther and first published in Songs of Praise in 1931. It has become particularly popular as a hymn to be used at both wedding and funeral services, asking God to be with us throughout the day.
Lord Of The Dance
Words: Sydney Carter; Tune: Shaker Tune arr. Sydney Carter

Why it's a good choice:
This hymn can be very suitable at a wedding as it portrays our Christian lives as a dance, with Jesus as the leader. This hymn can also be very suitable at a funeral as the words tell of Christ’s death and resurrection.
This ever popular hymn was written in 1963 by Sydney Carter, who also arranged the American Shaker tune, “Simple Gifts”, that it is sung to. The hymn tells the gospel story in the first person voice of Jesus, portraying his life and mission as a dance.
Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Words: Charles Wesley; Tunes: Love Divine – John Stainer; Blaenwern – William Rowlands

Why it's a good choice:
A perfect hymn for a wedding, telling us that we are able to love one another because Christ first loved us. It can also be very suitable for use at a funeral as the words speak of finding salvation and trusting in God.
This is one of Charles Wesley’s finest and most widely sung hymns. It first appeared in 1747 and is based on a theme of Christian perfection. Various lines have been slightly altered over the years as some have found the theme difficult to accept in its purest form. The hymn has been paired with different tunes, but today it is most commonly sung, either in four line stanzas, to John Stainer’s tune,”Love Divine” or to the glorious eight line Welsh tune, “Blaenwern”.
Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
Words: St Francis of Assisi, adapted by Sebastian Temple; Music: Sebastian Temple

Why it's a good choice:
This lovely paraphrase of the prayer of St Francis offers hope, peace and God’s love.
This lovely and most widely known Christian prayer for peace, with its broadly inclusive language, has been very frequently set to music. The most well-known hymn version is this one, written in 1967 by the South African songwriter, Sebastian Temple. It has become an anthem for the Royal British Legion and is regularly sung on State and National occasions.
One More Step Along The World I Go
Words and Music: Sydney Carter

Why it's a good choice:
Often sung at baptisms and weddings, this hymn illustrates our journey of life with God as a companion.
Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven
Words: H.F.Lyte; Tune: Sir John Goss

Why it's a good choice:
A wonderful hymn that will be sung heartily at a wedding as we are encouraged to give our lives to God.
This ever-popular hymn, written by the cleric, Henry Francis Lyte, draws its inspiration and themes from Psalm 103. It is set to music by sometime organist of St Paul’s Cathedral, Sir John Goss. It is used regularly on National and State occasions.
Shine Jesus Shine
Words and Music: Graham Kendrick

Why it's a good choice:
This wonderfully upbeat hymn is just right to capture the joyful mood of a wedding, asking God to set us free and transform our lives with his love.
This ever-popular Christian praise song was written in 1987 by the singer/songwriter, Graham Kendrick. The song divides opinion today as, although still very popular in some churches, it represents all that people of a more traditional find difficult to come to terms with in musical style.
The Lord鈥檚 My Shepherd
Words: Psalm 23; Tune: Jessie Irvine

Why it's a good choice:
This paraphrase of Psalm 23 is ideally used for baptisms with its very apt words. Perfect for a wedding as well, as Psalm 23 is set as part of the wedding service. And finally, the hymn works extremely well at a funeral with its comforting words telling us good is always with us.
Perhaps the most famous and widely used of all the paraphrases of Psalm 23, this hymn, known as Crimond, is constantly being used at both weddings and funerals and tells of God being with us wherever we are. The tune “Crimond” was written by Jessie Seymour Irvine who was the daughter of a minister who served for a time in the town named Crimond.