Blasad Beag – Episode 17: Days of the Week
Halò, agus fàilte aon uair eile gu Blasad Beag – am pàirt den phrògram far a bheil sinn a’ toirt thugaibh beagan Gàidhlig shìmplidh airson luchd-tòiseachaidh. Welcome back to Blasad Beag. If you’re new to the language, this section of the programme is for you!

An-diugh, bheir sinn sùil air làithean na seachdain. Today, we’ll look at the days of the week, and look at some answers to the question “Cuin...?” Cuin...? When...? Cuin...?
An toiseach, seo na làithean. First, here are the days of the week.
Monday is Diluain. Diluain.
Tuesday – Dimàirt. Dimàirt.
Wednesday – Diciadain. Diciadain.
Thursday – Diardaoin. Diardaoin.
Friday – Dihaoine. Dihaoine.
Saturday – Disathairne. Disathairne.
Sunday – Didòmhnaich or Là na Sàbaid.
Seo iad a-rithist; here they are again:
Didòmhnaich – no Là na Sàbaid.
Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo; listen to this conversation:
Guth 1 (Calum): Cuin a tha thu a’ dol dhachaigh?
Guth 2 (Eilidh): Tha mi a’ dol dhachaigh Diluain.
Calum asked Eilidh, “Cuin a tha thu a’ dol dhachaigh?” When are you going home? A’ dol dhachaigh – going home. A’ dol dhachaigh. Eilidh replied, “Tha mi a’ dol dhachaigh Diluain” – I’m going home on Monday. Tha mi a’ dol dhachaigh Diluain.
Now, the next conversation is slightly trickier – see if you can understand what Calum and Eilidh are saying:
Guth 1 (Eilidh): Cuin a tha pàrtaidh Anna ann?
Guth 2 (Calum): Tha pàrtaidh Anna ann oidhche Haoine aig ochd uairean.
Guth 1: A bheil thu fhèin a’ dol ann?
Guth 2: Chan eil, tha mi ag obair tràth madainn Disathairne.
Eilidh asked Calum, “Cuin a tha pàrtaidh Anna ann?” When is Anne’s party? Cuin a tha pàrtaidh Anna ann? Calum replied, “Tha pàrtaidh Anna ann oidhche Haoine aig ochd uairean.” Anne’s party is on Friday night at 8pm.
We looked at how to tell the time in Gaelic in one of our previous lessons and you can find this, along with notes, on our website. Look for Blasad Beag Episode 10 which focuses on telling the time.
Eilidh then asked Calum “A bheil thu fhèin a’ dol ann?” “Are you going?” A bheil thu fhèin a’ dol ann? And Calum replied, “Chan eil, tha mi ag obair tràth madainn Disathairne.” No, I’m working early on Saturday morning. Tràth – early. Tràth. Tha mi ag obair tràth madainn Disathairne.
Now, let’s look at some other useful words that you could use when answering the question, “Cuin...?”
We’ll start with the word for “today.” Today is “An-diugh” – or An-iugh as I’m from Lewis, “an-diugh” or an-diugh - today.
Tomorrow is a-màireach. A-màireach.
Tonight is a-nochd. A-nochd.
And last night is a-raoir. A-raoir.
Èistibh ri seo – listen to this conversation:
Guth 1 (Calum): A bheil thu ag obair a-màireach?
Guth 2 (Eilidh): Tha, tha mi ag obair Diciadain agus Diardaoin cuideachd!
Calum asked Eilidh, “A bheil thu ag obair a-màireach?” Are you working tomorrow? A bheil thu ag obair a-màireach? Eilidh replied, “Tha, yes, tha mi ag obair Diciadain agus Diardaoin cuideachd.” I’m working on Wednesday and Thursday as well! Tha mi ag obair Diciadain agus Diardaoin cuideachd!
Seo còmhradh eile – here’s another conversation:
Guth 1 (Eilidh): An robh thu aig a’ gheama an-dè?
Guth 2 (Calum): Cha robh, bha mi ag obair. Ach tha mi a’ dol chun a’ gheama oidhche Mhàirt.
You might have noticed the phrase “an robh thu” in that conversation. “An robh” means “were you.” An robh thu...?
Eilidh asked Calum if he was at the game yesterday. “An robh thu aig a’ gheama an-dè?” And Calum replied “cha robh” – I wasn’t. Cha robh. Ach tha mi a’ dol chun a’ gheama oidhche Mhàirt. But I’m going to the game on Tuesday night. Tha mi a’ dol chun a’ gheama oidhche Mhàirt.
Uill sin e bhuamsa an-dràsta – that’s all from me, for now. For more simple Gaelic, have a look at what’s available on and download the beginners’ app! Tioraidh an-dràsta!