2 egg yolks
Generous pinch of salt
250ml groundnut oil
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 clove garlic, crushed (optional)
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
In a large mixing bowl, and add the egg yolks. Beat well with a whisk for a couple of minutes.
Add the salt and beat well for 30 seconds until the yolk is thick and sticky. Begin to pour in the oil in a very thin stream, or drop by drop if that’s easier for you, beating all the while – don't be tempted to rush this, or your mayonnaise will split.
Bring your mayonnaise to the consistency you want it - and you may not need to use all the oil – and then beat it for another 30 seconds until thick and glossy. Add the vinegar, mustard and garlic (if using) and mix in.
This will work with whatever quantity of those big, fresh, plump, shell on prawns that you’re using.
Get a large pot of salty boiling water – it should be as salty as the sea – and add your prawns without overcrowding the pot.
Set a timer for 2 mins and when it rings lift all your prawns out at once and put them in a basin of iced water – you really do not want these to over cook.
When cooled served in their shells, heads on, with the mayonnaise.