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Blasad Beag – Episode 1 - Ciamar a tha thu?

Halò, agus fàilte oirbh gu Blasad Beag, an earrann den phrògram dhuibhse a tha aig ìre-tòiseachaidh; welcome to Blasad Beag, the section of the programme where we simplify things and bring you some Gaelic for Beginners!

An-diugh, bidh sinn ag ionnsachadh mu dè chanas sinn nuair a choinnicheas sinn ri daoine. Today we’re going to learn some simple greetings and responses!

Why don’t we start with Good Morning. To wish somebody good morning, you say Madainn mhath. Madainn mhath, good morning! Madainn mhath.

We say Madainn mhath and not Madainn math because Madainn is a feminine noun. Madainn mhath, good morning! Madainn mhath.

To greet somebody after midday, we say Feasgar math.
Feasgar math, good afternoon, or good evening! Feasgar math!

When greeting somebody, it’s normal to ask them how they are. In Gaelic we say, Ciamar a tha thu?

Ciamar a tha thu? How are you? Ciamar a tha thu?

Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo - listen to this conversation:

GUTH 1 (Eilidh): Madainn mhath, a Chaluim.
GUTH 2 (Calum): Madainn mhath Eilidh, ciamar a tha thu?

GUTH 1 (Eilidh): Madainn mhath, a Chaluim.
GUTH 2 (Calum): Madainn mhath Eilidh, ciamar a tha thu?

But when somebody asks you how you are, how would you answer?

Well, if you want to say you’re well, you could say, Tha mi gu math or Tha gu math. Tha mi gu math or Tha gu math.

And to be polite, you could add Tapadh leat, thank you. Tha mi gu math, tapadh leat. I’m well, thanks. Tha mi gu math, tapadh leat.

If you want to ask the other person how they are, you would say, Ciamar a tha thu fhèin? Literally, How’s yourself? Ciamar a tha thu fhèin?

Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo:

GUTH 1 (Eilidh): Madainn mhath, a Chaluim.
GUTH 2 (Calum): Madainn mhath Eilidh, ciamar a tha thu?
GUTH 1 (Eilidh): Tha gu math, tapadh leat. Ciamar a tha thu fhèin?
GUTH 2 (Calum): Tha mi gu dòigheil, tapadh leat.

Tha mi gu dòigheil means I’m doing fine. Tha mi gu dòigheil, I’m doing fine. Tha mi gu dòigheil.

GUTH 1 (Eilidh): Ciamar a tha thu fhèin?
GUTH 2 (Calum): Tha mi gu dòigheil, tapadh leat.

So we’ve learned a little bit about greeting people, but what about saying goodbye? There are several ways to take your leave of someone in Gaelic.

If it’s night time, you could say Oidhche mhath. Oidhche – night. Oidhche mhath – good night. Oidhche mhath!

But if it’s not night time, you have one or two options. You could say Mar sin leat. Mar sin leat – goodbye. Mar sin leat.

Or you could say, Beannachd leat. Beannachd – blessing. Beannachd leat - literally, a blessing with you. Beannachd leat.

We use Mar sin leat and Beannachd leat if we’re speaking to one person – but if we’re speaking to more than one person, we say Mar sin leibh and Beannachd leibh.

Leibh is the plural of Leat and the polite form, Leibh.

Agus tha mise dol a ràdh beannachd leibh an-dràsta - I’m going to say Beannachd leibh for now.