Kim's Chocolate, Pecan and Armagnac Fudge
Kim's Chocolate, Pecan and Armagnac Fudge
500g chocolate (5xbars) 70% cocoa
I standard tin condensed milk
100g pecans or walnuts chopped & lightly toasted (about 7 – 8 mins in oven)
4 tablespoons Armagnac/Cognac
I tablespoon vanilla essence
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
Mix & melt all the ingredients in a bowl over a pot of gently simmering water – making sure it doesn’t touch the water directly. When it’s melted add the nuts, mix through and just pour into a tin lined with lightly greased tin foil. Leave to cool and then set in the fridge – a couple of hours should do it – and cut it into small squares as it’s very rich. It will keep in the fridge in an airtight container for at least a week, but it is highly unlikely to hang around that long.
*When you’re melting the ingredients, if it seems too thick or the chocolate starts to separate, just add another tablespoon of liquid – it can be tepid water if you think you have enough brandy already – as if!!!!