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Blasad Beag – Episode 3 - Weather

Halò, agus fàilte gu Blasad Beag, an earrann den phrògram dhuibhse a tha aig ìre tòiseachaidh agus ag iarraidh Gàidhlig a tha sìmplidh. Welcome to Blasad Beag, the section of the programme where we simplify things and bring you some Gaelic for beginners! An-diugh, bidh sinn a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn na h-aimsir – today, we’ll be focusing on weather. Aimsir - aimsir.

In Gaelic, we have two words for weather, aimsir agus sìde.
An aimsir or An t-sìde. The weather.

If you want to ask somebody about the weather, you could say:

Ciamar a tha an t-sìde? Or Ciamar a tha an aimsir? What’s the weather like?
Ciamar a tha an t-sìde? Or Ciamar a tha an aimsir? What’s the weather like?

But if somebody asks you Ciamar a tha an t-sìde? or Ciamar a tha an aimsir?, how would you respond? Let’s start with some simple answers.

If you want to say It’s warm you could say, Tha i blàth. Tha i blàth. Tha i blàth.

We say, tha I blàth because the nouns aimsir and sìdeaimsir and sìde - are both feminine. Tha i blàth; literally, she - the weather - is warm.
Tha i blàth, it’s warm. Tha i blàth.

If you want to say, It’s cold you could say, Tha i fuar.

Tha i fuar, it’s cold. Tha i fuar.

So now you can ask: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde? What’s the weather like? Ciamar a tha an t-sìde? And Dè seòrsa aimsir a tha agaibh? – what kind of weather do you have? Dè seòrsa aimsir a tha agaibh?

And you can reply: Tha i blàth, it’s warm. Tha i blàth. Or Tha i fuar, it’s cold. Tha i fuar.
And if you live in Scotland, you’re likely to say “It’s wet!” In that case, you would say Tha i fliuch, It’s wet!

Tha i fliuch. It’s wet. Tha i fliuch.
Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo, listen to this conversation:

GUTH 1: Ciamar a tha an aimsir an-diugh?
GUTH 2: Tha i fliuch agus fuar!
GUTH 1: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde agaibhse?
GUTH 2: Tha i blàth!

Here are some more useful adjectives for describing the weather:

It’s dry – tha i tioram. It’s dry - tha i tioram.
It’s sunny - tha i grianach. It’s sunny - tha i grianach.
It’s lovely - tha i brèagha. It’s lovely - tha i brèagha.
It’s windy - tha i gaothach. It’s windy - tha i gaothach.
It’s cloudy - tha i sgòthach. It’s cloudy - tha i sgòthach.

And if you live on the west coast of Scotland, you’ll probably need a phrase to describe wild and windy weather! You’ll often hear people there say, Tha i fiadhaich! It’s wild! Tha i fiadhaich!

So next time you meet a Gaelic speaker why not practise what you’ve learned?
Seo eisimpleir no dhà – here are one or two examples:

Guth A: Ciamar a tha an t-sìde?
Guth B: O tha i àlainn, tioram agus grianach!

Guth A: Ciamar a tha an aimsir an-diugh?
Guth B: O tha i fiadhaich! Ciamar a tha i agaibhse?
Guth A: Tha i tioram, ach sgòthach.

Agus tha i fliuch an seo an Glaschu an-diugh!