Dawn Chorus
What is the Dawn Chorus?
This natural phenomenon which hails the start of a new day is at its peak at this time of year. The dawn chorus is the collective sound of all the birds that sing at dawn. It usually refers to the sound made by woodland birds that sing during the breeding season between late March and the beginning of July, but it can also be heard in coastal and urban locations and travels east to west with the rising sun, a literal wave of sound across the face of the earth.
At its most simple it is a way for rival male birds (for it is the male of the species who sings in the majority of cases) to fight and resolve conflicts without directly coming to blows. It is also a way to impress and attract female birds - he who sings loudest and longest can claim more territory and in turn has a higher chance of finding a mate.
Great spotted woodpecker

Great spotted woodpecker
A bird that is instantly recognisable from both its appearance and its drumming sound.

The little bird with the golden mohawk.

It moves so fast that if you blink you could easily miss this azure blue fish hunter.
Long-tailed tit

Long-tailed tit
Otherwise known as 'the flying lollipop'.

The bird that lives in spring and summer all year round.