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California sea lion

(Zalophus californianus)

Can dive for 12 minutes at a time

California sea lions are members of the "eared seal" family, Otariidae. They are social animals and form large onshore groups over several hundred individuals. At sea they are fast, agile swimmers and can often be seen porpoising and wave riding. Males are larger, more robust and darker in colour while the females tend to be smaller lighter and more slender.

Size: Weight: 455kg Length: 2.25m

Lifespan: 20-30 years

Diet: Squid, anchovies, mackerel, rockfish, and sardines

Distribution: Range from British Columbia to Mexico

Journey to Monterey Bay:

  • Year round residents

You may not know...

  • Can dive for 12 minutes at a time
  • Rocks are sometimes found in their stomachs and it is thought they may create a false sensation of fullness during the fasting period.

More on the animals around Monterey Bay