Oisean a' Ghrà mair: Sreath 4: 4
1. RI....
Art MacCormaig (‘Runrig’):
“Bha aonta ri ruighinn mu làithean-clàraidh, an dealbh a bha gu bhith air a’ chèis agus rud neo dhà eile.”
“Agreement had to be / was to be reached about recording days, the picture for the album cover and one or two other things.”
“Bha tòrr ri ionnsachadh.”
“There was plenty to be learnt / plenty to learn.”
Tha mi ag ionnsachadh.
‘I’m learning.’
Tha tòrr agam ri ionnsachadh.
‘I’ve got plenty to learn / plenty needing learnt.’
Tha mi a’ togail pasgan.
‘I’m picking up a package.’
Bha pasgan ri thogail.
‘There was a package to be picked up / needing picked up.’
Dè tha thu a’ dèanamh?
‘What are you doing?’
Dè tha ri dhèanamh?
‘What’s to be done?’ ‘What’s needing done?’
Tha tòrr ri chluinntinn agus tòrr ri ionnsachadh.
‘There’s plenty to hear and plenty to learn.’
2. SÙIL AIR AIS (Faicibh Prògram 3)
MU CHOINNEIMH.... (‘opposite, facing....’)
Coltach ri air beulaibh.... , ri taobh.... , etc. (Prògram 3):
mu choinneimh sin ‘opposite that’
mu choinneimh na sgoile ‘opposite the school’
mu mo choinneimh ‘opposite me’
mu do choinneimh ‘opposite you’
ma choinneimh ‘opposite him/it’
ma coinneimh ‘opposite her/it’
mar coinneimh ‘opposite us’
mur coinneimh ‘opposite you’
mun coinneimh ‘opposite them’
Calum Dòmhnallach (‘Runrig’)
“Agus uill, nuair a chunnaic e an taigh mòr, an stiùidio mu choinneimh, chaidh na nerves tha mi a’ smaointinn dìreach troimh-chèile uile gu lèir.”
“And well, when he saw the big house, the studio in front of him / facing him, I think his nerves just went all over the place / he just lost his nerve.”
an stiùdio ma choinneimh
‘the studio opposite him, facing him’
CHO.... RI (‘as.... as’)
Màiri Anna NicDhòmhnaill:
“Bha e cho ceart ri ceart”
“He was absolutely right.”
cho ceart ri ceart = gu tur ceart, ‘absolutely right’
cho ceàrr ri ceàrr = gu tur ceàrr, ‘totally wrong’
Tha iad cho ceàrr ri ceàrr.
‘They couldn’t be more wrong.’
Tha na pàrantan bàn ach a’ chlann cho ruadh ri ruadh.
‘The parents are fair-haired but the children are as red-haired as they come.’