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Blasad Beag – Episode 32: Airgead

Halò agus fàilt' oirbh air ais gu Blasad Beag còmhla riumsa Catrìona Mhoireach. Welcome back to Blasad Beag with me, Catriona Murray.

Anns an leasan sa, bheir sinn sùil air airgead. In this lesson we’re going to learn about money. Airgead. Money. Airgead.

First of all, do you remember how to say that you like something? For example that you like an item of clothing, ‘S toigh leam do gheansaidh.’ I like your jumper. ‘S toigh leam do gheansaidh.’

Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo. Listen to this conversation.

GUTH 2 (Eilidh): Hallo a Chalum, ‘s toigh leam d’ ad.
GUTH 1 (Calum): Mòran taing Eilidh! ‘S toigh leam do gheansaidh.
GUTH 2 (Eilidh): Mòran taing, ‘s toigh leam an dath a th’ air!

Eilidh said she liked Calum’s hat, ’S toigh leam d’ ad,’ I like your hat. ’S toigh leam d’ ad.’ Calum answered, ’Mòran taing Eilidh.’ Thank you Eilidh. ‘S toigh leam do gheansaidh.’ I like your jumper. ‘S toigh leam do gheansaidh.’
Eilidh replied, ’Mòran taing, ‘S toigh leam an dath a th’ air.’ Thank you, I like the colour of it. ’Mòran taing, ‘S toigh leam an dath a th’ air.’

Nise, bheir sinn sùil air cuid de na faclan a tha air an cleachdadh mu airgead.

The Gaelic for a penny or pence is Sgillinn. Sgillinn.
So, four pence would be Ceithir Sgillinn. Ceithir Sgillinn.
A Pound is not. Not.
Two Pounds is Dà Not. Dà Not.
But, three pounds is Trì Notaichean. Trì Notaichean.
Notaichean is the plural of Not. Notaichean.
99 pence is Not ach sgillinn. Not ach sgillinn.
And, £1.50 is Not is leth-cheud sgillinn no not is caogad sgillinn. Not is leth-cheud sgillinn no not is caogad sgillinn.

To ask somebody how much something cost you would use the phrase, ‘Dè na chosg...?’ 'Dè na chosg...?' How much did something cost...?
Dè na chosg do gheansaidh? How much did your jumper cost?

Ach, saoil dè na chosg ad Chaluim? I wonder how much Calum’s hat cost? Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo. Listen to this conversation.

GUTH 2 (Eilidh): Hallo a Chalum, ‘s toigh leam d’ ad, dè na chosg d’ ad?
GUTH 1 (Calum): Mòran taing Eilidh! Bha m’ ad trì not ach sgillinn.
GUTH 2 (Eilidh): Abair baragan, ‘s toigh leam an dath!
GUTH 1 (Calum): Dè na chosg do gheansaidh? ‘S toigh leam e.
GUTH 2 (Eilidh): Mòran taing, chosg e ochd notaichean.

Eilidh said she liked Calum’s hat, ’S toigh leam d’ ad,’ I like your hat. She then asked Calum how much it cost. ’Dè na chosg d’ ad?’ How much was it?
Calum answered, ’Mòran taing Eilidh,’ Thank you Eilidh. ‘Chosg e ochd notaichean.’ It cost eight pounds.
Eilidh replied, 'Abair bargan.’ What a bargain. ‘S toigh leam an dath.’ I like the colour. 'Abair bargan, ‘s toigh leam an dath.’ Calum then asked Eilidh, ’Dè na bha do gheansaidh?’ How much was your jumper? And Eilidh answered, ’Mòran taing, bha e ochd notaichean.’ Thank you, it was eight pounds.

Agus sin e airson a’ phrògram sa. Mòran taing airson èisteachd ri Blasad Beag. Thanks for listening to Blasad Beag. And if you’re looking for more learning resources that are suitable for beginners, visit or download the LearnGaelic Beginners App. Chun na h-ath leasain, tìoraidh an-dràsta.