Oisean a' Ghrà mair: Sreath 4: 13
1. Dùthchannan (Countries)
Niall Iain Dòmhnallach (‘Siubhal gu Seachd’):
“Sankt Jacob-Park, sin far a bheil an geama eadar Liverpool agus Sevilla (a’ chuairt dheireannach de chupa Europa) a’ tachairt a-nochd – sin anns an Eilbheis.”
“Sankt Jacob-Park, that’s where the game between Liverpool and Seville (the last round of the Europa cup) is happening tonight – that’s in Switzerland.”
A’ Chuimrigh ‘(the) Wales’
An Eadailt ‘(the) Italy’
An Eilbheis ‘(the) Switzerland’
An Fhraing ‘(the) France’
A’ Ghearmailt ‘(the) Germany’
A’ Ghrèig ‘(the) Greece’
An Ostair ‘(the) Austria’
An Tuirc ‘(the) Turkey’
An t-Suain ‘(the) Sweden’
An Eòrpa / An Roinn Eòrpa ‘(the) Europe’
Ach: Alba, Sasainn, Èirinn
Is toil leam an Eadailt. ACH Is toil leam Èirinn.
‘I like the Italy.’ ‘I like Ireland.’
Tha mi às a’ Chuimrigh. ACH Tha mi à Alba.
‘I’m from the Wales.’ ‘I’m from Scotland.’
Thèid sinn dhan Ghearmailt. ACH Thèid sinn a Shasainn.
‘We’ll go to the Germany.’ ‘We’ll go to England.’
Niall Iain Dòmhnallach (‘Siubhal gu Seachd’):
“Bha mi air chuairt air mo bhaidhsagal air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa agus chaidh mi tron Eilbheis.”
“I was touring on my bicycle all over Europe and I went through Switzerland.”
air feadh + ginideach (genitive):
air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa ‘all over Europe, throughout Europe’
air feadh na Frainge ‘all over France’
air feadh na Gearmailt ‘all over Germany’
air feadh na Suain ‘all over Sweden’
air feadh na dùthcha ‘all over the country’
2. Sùil air ais: AN TRÀTH TEACHDAIL (The Future Tense)
Niall Iain Dòmhnallach (‘Siubhal gu Seachd’):
“Tha thu dìreach a’ bruthadh nam pùtan, ’s an uair sin, ma chluinneas tu rrrrrrrrrr – deagh nàidheachd!”
“You just push the buttons, and then, if you hear rrrrrrrrrr – good news!”
“Ach co-dhiù, cumaidh mi orm a’ feuchainn.” “But anyway, I’ll keep on trying’
Bithidh mi air falbh. ‘I’ll be away.’
Ma bhitheas mi air falbh ‘If I’m away’
Fònaidh mi dhachaigh. ‘I’ll phone home.’
Ma dh’fhònas mi dhachaigh ‘if I phone home’
Cuiridh mi teacsta. ‘I’ll send a text.’
Ma chuireas mi teacsta ‘If I send a text’
Cluinnidh tu fuaim. ‘You’ll hear a noise.’
Ma chluinneas tu fuaim ‘If you hear a noise’
Cumaidh sinn oirnn a’ feuchainn. ‘We’ll keep on trying.’
Ma chumas sinn oirnn a’ feuchainn ‘If we keep on trying’
Cumaidh mi orm ‘I’ll keep on, I’ll continue’
Cumaidh tu ort ‘You’ll keep on, continue’
Cumaidh e air / Cumaidh i oirre ‘He’ll / She’ll keep on’
Cumaidh sinn oirnn ‘We’ll keep on’
Cumaidh sibh oirbh ‘You’ll keep on’
Cumaidh iad orra 'They’ll keep on’
Cùm ort! ‘Keep going!’
Cumaidh iad orra a’ feuchainn. They’ll keep on trying.
Tha mi an dòchas gun cùm sibh oirbh ag èisteachd ri Beag air Bheag agus gun cùm sibh oirbh a’ cleachdadh ur Gàidhlig.
‘I hope (that) you’ll carry on listening to Beag Air Bheag and that you’ll keep on using your Gaelic.’