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Information and Support - Adoption and Fostering

If you, or someone you know, have been affected by adoption issues, the following organisations may be able to help.

Adoption UK

Adoption UK provides support for children who cannot live with their birth families, from childhood into adulthood.

Phone: 0300 666 0006


PAC-UK provides advice and information on all aspects of adoption and other forms of permanent care, plus a range of services for parties affected by adoption and permanency.

Phone: 0300 1800 090

Health and Social Care (HSC) Adoption & Fostering

Health and Social Care (HSC) Adoption & Fostering recruit and support foster carers and adopters across the five HSC Trusts in Northern Ireland.

Phone: 0800 072 0137

The National Adoption Service

The National Adoption Service provides information on all aspects of adoption across Wales.


Birthlink (Scotland) offers a range of services for anyone separated after adoption with a Scottish connection.

Phone: 0131 225 6441

Related Information and Support

If you have also been affected by pregnancy issues, organisations listed on our may be able to help.

You can find current information and support for issues covered by Action Line on the .