You and Yours Episodes Available now
Why are there so many empty homes?
Litter, empty homes - and car number plates
News and discussion of consumer affairs
Hospital Beds, Side Hustles and 20 MPH zones
Why can't the NHS make more use of care homes to help alleviate the winter beds crisis.
Illegal Streaming, Care Home Fees and Cancelled Flights
Illegal streaming, care home fees and cancelled flights.
Call You and Yours - Working From Home
Is working from home working?
Probate Delays, Funeral Streaming Scam and Lab-grown Gemstones
The time taken to get a grant of probate is coming down but not for everybody.
How Criminals Spend Your Gift Cards
Gift card scams, online reviews and energy debt.
Call You and Yours - Private Parking Firms
Have you fallen foul of private parking firms?
Supermarket Challenges, Lost Phones on Airplanes, Pets on the Internet
What will change for consumers as increased tax and wages hit supermarkets this year?
Standing Charges, Vegan Burgers and Selling Gold
Standing charges, vegan burgers and selling gold.