Great Lives Episodes Available now

MR James
Muriel Gray chooses the ghost story writer MR James.

Rachel Carson
Writer Bea Campbell chooses pioneering environmental protection scientist Rachel Carson.

CLR James
Darcus Howe discusses his uncle, the sportsman, writer and revolutionary CLR James.

Erasmus Darwin
Paul Nurse discusses scientist, inventor and poet Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles.

Bernard Manning nominates Mother Teresa
Comedian Bernard Manning assesses the achievements of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Katherine Graham
Broadcaster Kirsty Young chooses newspaper publisher Katherine Graham.

Tom Spring
Sports journalist Frank Keating talks about 19th-century bare-knuckle boxer Tom Spring.

Lord Byron
Sue Limb nominates 'mad, bad and dangerous to know' poet, Lord Byron.

Louis Armstrong
Band leader Chris Barber chooses legendary jazz trumpeter, Louis Armstrong.

Alexander the Great
Writer Frederic Raphael chooses part man, part myth Alexander the Great.