In Business Episodes Available now
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Longevity War Game
Peter Day discovers if a war game can help bridge the gap of healthy living in Newcastle.
Mao and Silicon
Peter Day explores two very contrasting enclaves in China.
China's Economic Crossroads
Peter Day travels to China to ask why so many graduates are having difficulty finding jobs
Survivors' Stories
Peter Day talks to business survivors from the 25 years he has presented this programme.
The Internet of Things
Peter Day looks at a future when cows and cars will be connected to the internet.
Civilian Drones
Peter Day investigates the business use of what some call, with a shiver, drones.
Kit of Life
Peter Day reports on an entrepreneur using ideas from soft drinks to distribute medicine.
Design Thinking
Peter Day finds out how designers are moving out of the lab and into the real world.
Regenerating Margate
Peter Day ask if Margate's Turner Contemporary Gallery will rejuvenate the town.
Gene Patenting
Peter Day asks whether gene patenting is a good or bad thing for medical innovation.