Scottish Parliament Episodes Available now
Debate in Holyrood on a members' business motion on Action Mesothelioma Day 2024.
Scottish Elections Bill
Stage 1 debate in Holyrood on the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill.
Appointment of Ministers
Debate on a motion to approve the appointment of two new Scottish government ministers.
Consent to UK Parliament Bills
Motion to amend procedures on legislative consent motions for UK Parliament Bills.
Coverage of the day's proceedings in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 27 June.
General Questions
General questions session to Scottish government ministers on Thursday 27 June.
Coverage of the day's proceedings in the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday 26 June.
Disability Commissioner Inquiry
Scottish Parliament Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee from 18 June.
Housing and the Rental Sector Inquiry
Scottish Parliament Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee session from 18 June.
Gender Representation Bill
Stage three debate in Holyrood on the Gender Representation Bill, from Thursday 20 June.