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Ian's happiness is short-lived, and Billy is given a Christmas dilemma. Meanwhile Masood finally comes clean, and Ricky realises that Todd could help Whitney move on.

Bobby is still missing so Lucy checks his bedroom whilst Peter commences creating ‘missing’ flyers.

Ian is relieved to see Jane walk through the backdoor and she explains that Lucy called her and that she has come back to help search for Bobby. Later, in a desperate state Jane chases after a boy she thinks is Bobby. Billy tries to console Jane as she sinks into a swing at the park, almost defeated when suddenly Bobby appears and excitedly runs over to give her a hug.

Shortly after, Bobby runs into the Beale household and gives Ian a hug. Lucy and Peter follow him in and both embrace him. Jane declares she will return if the family are willing to except her but Peter explains his reservations as he does not want Bobby to grow up in an unstable environment and that if she comes back it has to be for good. Later, Jane announces that she is ready to come home, properly.

As Billy tries to creeps out the back door Janine and Archie question how the mistletoe has appeared in the house. They realise Billy must have been there and they catch him as he tries to exit. Archie holds the front door and blocks Billy’s escape.

Janine and Archie explain that the situation is complicated. They state that it is not their fault the Mitchells are in this position, why should Ian have the Vic and not them? This is a revelation to Billy who is unaware of the financial crisis at the Vic. Archie and Janine clarify to Billy that whoever clears the Mitchell debt will receive the Vic. The two work on manipulating Billy in order to maintain his silence.

In order to publicise the Christmas dinner, Phil makes Billy wear a body placard in the Square. From afar Archie and Janine note that Billy will soon be on side. Soon after, Billy heads back to the Vic furious at having to wear the board. An argument erupts between Phil and Billy until Ronnie and Roxy interrupt and calm the pair.

Later, Billy enters Archie’s house ready to confirm that he is not interested in Archie’s deal but he is greeted with a surprise. Janet and William are playing in the lounge. Archie explains that Billy can take care of the children until Boxing Day and that Billy is free to have his house while the children are visiting. Billy accepts.

Later, after sealing Billy’s silence Janine heads to the café with the CD evidence. She plays Ian the evidence through headphones and demands that she takes over the Mitchell loan otherwise Jane will hear the evidence.

Zainab and Masood attend an anti-natal class and Zainab observes she is the oldest mum-to-be there. After teasing Masood, Zainab informs the class the ‘truths’ about childbirth. Later, Amira explains she has cancelled the white horse Syed was supposed to arrive on at the wedding. Masood questions how the wedding is going to be affordable and finally reveals his financial situation. Zainab apologises and shows understanding to Masood. Amira tells Masood that she is to go and visit her father in prison to see if he can contribute financially with the wedding.

Abi is delighted to find her cat, Musty, has returned. Max disheartens Abi’s mood by saying the cat will disappear when it realises they cannot afford cat food. Abi bumps into Heather who inadvertently informs Abi of the revelations regarding Max in the Vic. Abi then heads to the launderette and gives Shirley her savings to pass on to Heather to pay her back.

Abi informs Max he has given her cat, Musty, away. Abi offers to take Max to the Vic saying the longer he leaves facing people, the worse the situation would become.

In the Vic, Abi is quick to jump to Max’s defence in front of the Vic’s punters before storming out. Max then assures everyone how upset Abi is. Max and Abi have a meal and a card is placed at their door from Heather and George.

Earlier, upstairs in the Vic, Peggy, Phil, Ronnie and Roxy discuss their finances and debate how they could raise more money. Phil suggests a raffle for Max’s car and they also agree they will sell tickets for a Christmas dinner to bring in extra cash.

After regrouping, Phil notices the Mitchells have sold too many Christmas lunches, there are not enough seats for the tickets sold.

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30 minutes

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  • Opening Titles

    Duration: 00:24

  • Janine and Archie have some explaining to do

    The Square pull together to find Bobby, a member of the family returns to the Brannings, and Masood and Zainab show up to antenatal class.

    Duration: 06:28

  • Heather accidentally lets something slip to Abi

    Billy realises that Archie may have a point, Zainab takes over the antenatal class, and the search for Bobby continues.

    Duration: 06:15

  • Abi tries to help Max, financially and emotionally

    Peter airs his feelings, and Masood finally comes clean.

    Duration: 05:08

  • Ian receives great news

    Abi makes a stand, and Billy is given a Christmas dilemma.

    Duration: 05:02

  • Ian's happiness is short-lived

    Amira tries to help Masood with the wedding finances, Max is given a second chance, and Billy chooses his allegiances.

    Duration: 06:04
