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Episode 14
Episode 14 of 20
Iain Macaonghais, Ruaraidh Rothach agus Darren Linc ag aithris air na sgeulachdan as cudromaiche agus as inntinniche bho air feadh na Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹.
Iain Macinnes, Roddy Munro and Darren Laing report on the most interesting and important stories from across Europe.
Last on
Mon 22 Feb 2010
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Sgudal niùclasach sa Spà inn
Tha crìonadh an eaconomaidh air ruith cho domhainn ann an cuid de
sgìrean iomallach na Spà inn 's gu bheil iad air tionndadh do roinn
annasach airson brosnachadh. Tha riaghaltas na Spà inn a' sireadh
tagraidhean airson stòr sgudail niùclasach. Aig à m nuair a tha
leasachadh gann is misneachd ìosal tha cà il a chruthaicheas obair is
ionmhas a' coimhead tarraingeach. Ach tha cuid de thuathanaich anns na
sgìrean seo iomagaineach mu chliù a bhìdh aca ma thèid stòr niùclasach a
stèidheachadh faisg orra.
Nuclear waste in Spain
The economic crisis has hit Spain hard, particularly the rural areas. Now some areas are seeking investment from an unusual source. The Spanish government is inviting bids for the location of a nuclear storage facility. At a time when confidence is low and there is little economic development, rural areas welcome any way of creating jobs and income, but some farmers in these areas worry about the image of their produce if a nuclear storage facility is located close to them.
Nuclear waste in Spain
The economic crisis has hit Spain hard, particularly the rural areas. Now some areas are seeking investment from an unusual source. The Spanish government is inviting bids for the location of a nuclear storage facility. At a time when confidence is low and there is little economic development, rural areas welcome any way of creating jobs and income, but some farmers in these areas worry about the image of their produce if a nuclear storage facility is located close to them.
Sgìre Glèidhteachais Shònraichte
Tha a' mhuir far Bharraigh is Miughalaidh ga moladh airson sgìre
glèidhteachais shònraichte ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ch, no SAC, a stèidheachadh. Tha
Dualchas Nà dair na h-Alba, SNH - a' bhuidheann a tha a' dèanamh na
molaidhean - ag rà dh gu bheil an sgìre cudromach mar à rainn ròin agus
air sgà th na bruaichean gainmhich is sgeirean sònraichte a tha fon
mhuir. Ged-tha, tha mòran de mhuinntir na sgìre fhèin gu mòr an aghaidh
SAC, is eagal orra gum biodh droch bhuaidh aige air na tha e ceadaichte
dhaibh a dhèanamh a thaobh iasgach, croitearachd, is eile. Chaidh Darren
Linc a Bharraigh airson sùil a thoirt air cùisean.
Special Area of Conservation
The sea off Barra and Mingulay is recommended as a possible site for a European designated Special Area of Conservation, or SAC. Scottish Natural Heritage, the group making the recommendation, say that the area is of key significance as a seal habitat and has rare undersea reef and sandbank formations. However, many of the people of Barra are against the establishment of an SAC, and fear that it could adversely affect what they are able to do in terms of fishing and crofting. Darren Laing visited Barra to examine the situation.
Special Area of Conservation
The sea off Barra and Mingulay is recommended as a possible site for a European designated Special Area of Conservation, or SAC. Scottish Natural Heritage, the group making the recommendation, say that the area is of key significance as a seal habitat and has rare undersea reef and sandbank formations. However, many of the people of Barra are against the establishment of an SAC, and fear that it could adversely affect what they are able to do in terms of fishing and crofting. Darren Laing visited Barra to examine the situation.
Ath-aonadh Chìoprais
Tha Cìopras air a bhith sgaraichte bho 1974. Às dèidh bliadhnaichean do
dh'ain-fhois, dh'fheuch na Cìopraich Ghreugach ri smachd fhaighinn air
an eilean ann an coup, le taic bhon riaghaltas armailteach san Àithne
aig an à m, ach chaidh arm na Tuirc a steach do cheann-a-tuath an eilein
's tha iad air a bhith ann bhon uair sin.
Tha dòchas às ùr ann a-nist gun tèid fuasgladh fhaighinn air a' chùis 's ceannardan bhon a' cheann a tuath 's ceann a deas air coinneachadh grunn thursan ann an oidhirp aonta a' ruighinn agus caidreachas a' stèidheachadh. Ach le mòran chnapan-starra mun coinneamh, a bheil iad cà il nas fhaisge air aonta a ruighinn?
Cyprus reunification
Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when, after years of unrest, Greek Cypriots tried to gain control of the island in a coup. They were backed by the military junta in power at the time in Athens, but Turkey sent its army to the northern part of the island, and they have remained there since.
There is now fresh hope that the situation can be resolved, with leaders from the north and south having met many times recently in an effort to reach an agreement and establish a federation. However, with many obstacles in their way, are they any closer to a solution?
Tha dòchas às ùr ann a-nist gun tèid fuasgladh fhaighinn air a' chùis 's ceannardan bhon a' cheann a tuath 's ceann a deas air coinneachadh grunn thursan ann an oidhirp aonta a' ruighinn agus caidreachas a' stèidheachadh. Ach le mòran chnapan-starra mun coinneamh, a bheil iad cà il nas fhaisge air aonta a ruighinn?
Cyprus reunification
Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when, after years of unrest, Greek Cypriots tried to gain control of the island in a coup. They were backed by the military junta in power at the time in Athens, but Turkey sent its army to the northern part of the island, and they have remained there since.
There is now fresh hope that the situation can be resolved, with leaders from the north and south having met many times recently in an effort to reach an agreement and establish a federation. However, with many obstacles in their way, are they any closer to a solution?
- Wed 17 Feb 2010 20:30
- Sat 20 Feb 2010 17:15Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Two Scotland
- Sun 21 Feb 2010 23:30
- Mon 22 Feb 2010 10:25
Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe