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Tilleadh Dhachaidh (Returning Home)

Episode 11 of 20

An extraordinary journey to return the body of the Bard of Berneray back to Scotland from Australia.

Tha Alina NicAsgaill Simpson am beachd turas air leth a gabhail gus dust bràthair a seanair a thoirt air ais à Astrailia a dh' Alba. Chaochail Iain Earsaidh MacAsgaill, Bàrd Bheàrnaraigh, ann an naoi ceud deug trichead 's a ceithear. Chuir e seachad na bliadhnaichean mu dheireadh aige ann am bochdainn agus tha a' bhàrdachd agus na litrichean a chur e dhachaigh a' toirt iomradh air a' mhiann a bh' aige tilleadh à Astrailia gu eilean àraich. Seachdad 's a sia bliadhna as dèidh a bhàs tha Alina an dùil a' mhiann aige a choileanadh. Ach airson a miann a thoirt gu buil, feumaidh Alina £6000 a thogail taobh a-staigh sia mìosan. An deàn i a chùis? Sgeulachd dhrùidhteach, mhisneachail mu bhoireannach dhìorrasach 's a turas sònraichte gus an urram agus an spèis air an robh e airidh a thoirt dha bràthair a seanair.

Alina MacAskill Simpson hopes to make the journey of a lifetime, to return the body of her great uncle back to Scotland from Australia. Iain Archie MacAskill, the Bard of Berneray, died in 1934. He spent the last few years of his life in poverty and his poems and letters spoke of his wish to return to the Hebrides and his beloved Berneray. Seventy six years later Alina intends to honour her uncle's unfulfilled wish. To realise her dream, Alina has to raise £6000 in six short months. Will she make it? A remarkable story of one woman's determination to honour her uncle and give him the respect and dignity that are long overdue.

1 hour
