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Tha Sin Eibhinn! (That's Funny!)

Episode 2 of 26

Seanair-Seoras wants some peace but Igam Ogam is in a noisy kind of mood. Igam finally agrees to some quiet time but then the noise really begins.

Tha Seanair-Seoras airson fois fhaighinn ach tha Igam Ogam ann an sunnd fuaim adhbharachadh. As deidh greis tha Igam Ogam ag aontachadh a bhith socair ach's ann an nuair sin a thoisicheas am fuaim da-riribh, fuaim neonach a tha toirt crathadh air an t-saoghail. A' feuchainn ri faighinn a-mach co as a tha am fuaim seo a' tighinn, tha Igam Ogam 's a chairdean a' tuigsinn gur e Seanair-Seoras fhein a th' ann 's e deanamh srann uabhasach.

Seanair-Seoras may want some peace and quiet but Igam Ogam is in a noisy kind of mood. Igam finally agrees to some quiet time but it is then that the noise really begins - a strange rumbling noise that seems to cause the world to shake. Igam Ogam and her friends investigate the cause of the noise.

10 minutes
