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Am Fl霉r-r矛gh (Flower King)

MBC are asked to guard the Flower King, Petalia XIV, who will remain in the form of a flower until ambassadors from his planet arrive.

Tha obair chudromach air a thoirt dhan MBC - feumaidh iad coimhead 脿s d猫idh Righ nan Fl霉raichean, Petalia XIV gus an tig ceannardan 脿s a' phlanaid aige fh猫in. Fhad 's a tha e air talamh tha Petalia ann an riochd fl霉r 's tha buaireadh a' t貌iseachadh nuair a thogas Jeremy e gun fhios 's e airson fl霉raichean a thabhann dha Cathy. Mar thoradh, feumaidh am MBC d猫iligeadh le na h-eilthirich a tha tighinn air toir Petalia a bharrachd air a bhith a' feuchainn ri Petalia fh猫in a' lorg.

MBC are asked to guard the Flower King, Petalia XIV, who will remain in the form of a flower until ambassadors from his planet arrive. Meanwhile Jeremy, who is trying to impress Cathy, accidentally mistakes Petalia for a flower and kidnaps him. The MBC must deal with robots sent to capture Petalia as well as finding the King himself.

25 minutes
