Episode 5
Documentary looking at poet Alasdair Ferguson, known as the Bard of Cleur - the place where he settled after his family moved to Harris from the small island of Pabbay.
Ged a b'ann a Eilean beag Phabbaigh a thanaig an teaghlach ga am buinneadh Alasdair MacFhearghais, cha ro e fhein fhathast ach og nuair a fhuair e blas air an t-saoghal mhor. Thug Cogadh nam Boer e gu Afraga, ach mas do ruig e bha an cogadh sin air bas a thoirt do bhrathair, a bh'air a dhol ann roimhe. Fhuair esan as le bheatha agus thill e dha na Hearadh. Anns a phrogram seo tha feadhainn a bha eolach air a'cuimhneachadh air an duine agus a chuid bardachd.
Alasdair Ferguson's family came from the small island of Pabbay. They then moved to Harris and ultimately he would become known as the Bard of Cleur, the place where he settled. His horizons were anything but limited, being a veteran of the Boer War which claimed the life of his brother. This programme explores the story of the man and his poetry.
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