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Review of events in the world of sport over the past year, including a look back at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi.

Calum Dòmhnallach leis an taghadh as fhèarr bho shaoghal Spòrs 2010. Bithear a' coimhead air ais air Geamannan a Cho-fhlàitheas ann an Delhi, camanachd, ball-coise agus gu leòr spòrs eile.

Review of events in the world of sport over the past year, including a look back at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi.

1 hour

Spòrs na Seachdain

Spòrs na Seachdain

Spòrs ionadail, nàiseanta agus air feadh an t-saoghail, còmhla ri Iain Moireasdan.