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An Ceannard Sealach

Danny is picked to be principal for the day and has great ideas on how to improve the school. But an evil alien pretends to be Wendy and attacks Chris and Cathy.

Tha Danny a' faighinn a chothrom a bhith na cheannard son an latha 's abair gu bheil deagh bheachdan aige mu na tha riatanach ann an Sgoil Bhaile Shimidh. Fhad 's a tha Danny trang le obair 霉r, tha eilthireach borb a' toirt a char 脿s le bhith leigeil air gur e Wendy a th' ann 's an uairsin a toirt ionnsaigh air Chris 's Cathy. Aig a cheart 脿m, tha Sam glacte aig an Wendy cheart's feuchainn ri ciad chobhair a thoirt dhith.

Danny is picked to be principal for the day, and has great ideas on how to improve the school. However, an evil dinosaur-like alien pretends to be Wendy, and attacks Chris and Cathy. Meanwhile, Sam is trapped by the real Wendy, who wants to be 'Miss First Aid of Single Town Middle School' when she falls over while running after her bus!

25 minutes
