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Reidio Coimhearsnachd (Community Radio)

A celebration of local community radio stations and their enthusiastic army of volunteers who give their community a voice.

Càite an lorgadh tu am fiosrachadh ionadail as ùire ? An rathad a th' air a dhùnadh, oidhche bingo, cù air chall, no fiù 's am bargan as fheàrr son brat-ùrlair! Is uairean a thìde de cheòl is dibhearson cuideachd! Air an rèidio coimhearsnachd ionadail agad ! Càite eile?

Anns a' Ghearastan, 's e Calum Mac a' Ghobhainn as fhaide a th' air a bhith ag aithris gu saor-thoileach air Nevis Radio. Gach oidhche Dhiardaoin fad 16 bliadhna tha Calum air a thaghadh fhèin de dh' òrain Ghàidhlig a thoirt seachad bho a chruinneachadh pearsanta de 200 sheann teip cèiseig.

Ann an ceann a deas Ghlaschu, tha guth ùr rèidio coimhearsnachd - Sunny Govan - a' dol bho neart gu neart. Fhuair iad taic-airgid bho chionn ghoirid air 'The Secret Millionaire' air Channel 4, agus tha iad gu mòr a' toirt taic dhaibhsan a tha fo anacothrom san sgìre dhùbhlanaich aca.

Where do you turn for the most immediate local information? The blocked road, bingo night, missing dog, or even the best deal on carpets? Plus hours of music and entertainment? Your local community radio station! Where else?

In Fort William, Nevis Radio's longest serving volunteer presenter is Calum Smith. Every Thursday evening for 16 years, Calum has been offering his own traditional blend of Gaelic songs chosen from a personal collection of over 200 well-worn tape cassettes!

On the south side of Glasgow a new community radio voice - Sunny Govan - continues to go from strength to strength. Recent shared recipients of Channel 4's The Secret Millionaire, they champion the underprivileged within their challenging broadcast area.

1 hour