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Chan e Mise Bh'ann! (Wasn't Me)

Episode 20 of 26

Igam Ogam discovers that Rolag can't count and takes it upon herself to teach him. It proves to be a difficult task and they soon get frustrated.

Nuair a thuigeas Igam Ogam nach eil comas cunntais aig Rolag tha i a' cur roimhpe gun toir ise ionnsachadh dha ach chan eil am plana buileach a dol leotha 's tha an dithis aca a' f脿s crosda 's searbh. Gu fortanach, tha plana aig Seanair-Se貌ras a sheallas do Rollag gum faod cunntais a bhith gu math sp貌rsai.

Igam Ogam discovers that Rolag can't count and takes it upon herself to teach him. However, it proves to be a difficult task and Igam Ogam and Rolag soon get frustrated. Fortunately, Seanair-Se貌ras has a trick up his sleeve to make counting fun for Rolag.

10 minutes
