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P脿ipearan anns an t-Saoghal 脵r/Papers in the New World

Journalist Murray MacLeod finds out how local newspapers are faring and what the future holds for them.

'S iomadh atharrachadh a th' air a thighinn air saoghal nam p脿ipearan-naidheachd bho chionn ghoirid. Anns na 5 bliadhna a dh'fhalbh, tha an 脿ireamh de ph脿ipearan n脿iseanta a th' air an reic air tuiteam 30%. Leis an iomadh sianail telebhisein le naidheachdan air fad na h-霉ine, agus buaidh na h-eadar-l矛n agus teicne貌las 霉r, tha an d貌igh 's a bheil sinn a' faighinn naidheachdan air atharrachadh gu m貌r.

D猫 an suidheachadh a th' ann le na p脿ipearan ionadail ge-t脿, agus d猫 tha fa-near dhan gn矛omhachas gu l猫ir? Tha an neach-naidheachd, Murray MacLe貌id, a' trusadh. Cluinnear bho luchd-naidheachd eile, agus tadhlaidh sinn air P脿ipear Beag an Eilein Sgitheanaich, a' chiad ph脿ipear-naidheachd san R矛oghachd Aonaichte a chaidh fo shealbh an luchd-obrach. An e modail a tha seo a bhiodh freagarrach do ph脿ipearan eile? Ann an Uibhist, tha am p脿ipear sg矛reil, Am P脿ipear, air a bhith air ainmeachadh mar P脿ipear Coimhearsnachd na Bliadhna sa Gh脿idhealtachd agus sna h-Eileanan 2 thuras bho chionn ghoirid. D猫 tha ga fh脿gail soirbheachail?

The newspaper industry has seen many changes in recent years. In the past five years alone, sales of newspapers on a national level have fallen by 30 per cent. The expansion of television to a multi-channel world offering 24/7 news, and the impact of the internet and new technology have all changed the way that we consume news.

How have local newspapers been affected and what lies ahead for the industry as a whole? Local Western Isles journalist Murray MacLeod finds out more. We visit the Skye based West Highland Free Press, which recently became the UK's first employee-owned newspaper. In Uist, local paper, Am P脿ipear, has twice been named Community Newspaper of the Year for the Highlands and Islands recently. What is the secret of its success?

1 hour
