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An Fh矛rinn Ghlan

E貌in's latest invention forces the MBC to tell the truth at all times, makes things especially difficult as they try to prevent Agar from invading their school.

Tr矛 deugairean a' tha a sabaid eilthirich le cuideachadhbho nighean 脿raidh agus a seanair.

Tha E貌in air a bhith trang a cruthachadh innealan 霉ra ach 's ann a tha an goireas ionmholta aige gus cuisean a dh猫anamh nas duilghe dha muinntir an MBC nuair a thuigeas iad gu bheil e air am f脿gail gun chomas breug innse. Feumaidh iad a-nis an cuid obrach a dh猫anamh 's an fh矛rinn innse do dhuine sam bith a cheasnaicheas iad. Tha seo gu h-araidh doirbh dhaibh 's aca ris an t-eilthireach borb, Agar, a stad bho bhith toirt ionnsaigh air an sgoil.

Three teens battle alien invaders with the help of an alien girl and her grandfather.

E貌in's latest invention makes life difficult for the MBC, as its power forces them to tell the truth at all times. This is especially difficult as they prepare to catch the ruthless space criminal Agar from invading their school.

20 minutes
